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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

EDP Agent I: Install the EgoSecure Agent


Once the Server is installed for the first time, the MSI package is generated automatically with default settings. If a settings change is required, you can configure and then generate a new MSI package manually. The MSI package is always stored on the EgoSecure Server under e.g. C:\Program Files\EgoSecure\EgoSecure Server\MSI  and is regenerated automatically after every server update. Within this guide, we will generate a new *.msi package with custom parameters. Please be aware that you can also distribute simply the default package.

Generate the MSI package

  • Login to your Digital Workspace Management 
  • Navigate to EgoSecure Data Protection
  • Select EgoSecure Agents
  • Click Generate MSI
  • Configure the MSI package settings to your requirements
    • If you are going to use SSL in the company, you can include an SSL certificate for the Agent to the MSI package via enabling the Add SSL certificate and its private key option and defining a password for certificate protection.
    • The certificate for the Agent with its private key is added to the MSI package if the certificate with its private key is provided under Administration | Administrator | SSL configuration (EgoSecure Data Protection Console).
    • There are also other ways of distributing SSL certificate to Agents (for details, see the Configuring SSL chapter of the EgoSecure Console Manual).
  • Click Generate.

The MSI package is generated on the Server. Once the Sever is updated, the MSI package is regenerated automatically.

Settings included in the MSI package

The following settings are included in the MSI package and are applied on endpoints not waiting for the connection to the Server:

  • Default policies for unknown users under User management | Default policies | Unknown users - currently can be defined only in the EgoSecure Data Protection Console.
  • Client settings under Administration | Clients | Client settings - currently can be defined only in the EgoSecure Data Protection Console.
  • MSI package settings under Installation | EgoSecure agents | Create MSI package.
    For details about the MSI package settings, see the EgoSecure Console Manual.
  • List of permitted EgoSecure servers under Administration | Servers | EgoSecure servers - currently can be defined only in the EgoSecure Data Protection Console.
    Shortly after the Agent installation, only the servers selected with check marks in the A column are permitted to Agents. If the list of server changes (new servers are marked), this list is sent to Agents.

Download the MSI package

  • Press Download MSI Package
  • Confirm the Download of the MSI Package with pressing Yes
  • Your download will start and will download the
  • Extrac the *.zip file to e.g. C:\EgoSecureAgents
  • The extracted *.zip file will contain the following files:
    • ESAgentSetup.exe
    • ESAgentSetup.msi
    • ESAgentSetup_x64.msi
    • install.bat
    • install_x64.bat
    • uninstall.bat
    • uninstall_x64.bat

Review Output

  • Right-click depending on your target architecture version, either the install or install_x64 batch file
  • Press Edit
  • You should see now something similar to the following:
start /B msiexec /i ESAgentSetup_x64.msi /l* AgentInstall.log REINSTALL="ALL" REINSTALLMODE="vamus" ADMINPWD="" PKCS12_PASS=""
  • As you might need this parameters later for installing the Agent Automatically, copy the following part into your clipboard

Install the MSI package

Please ensure that the Agent version that you are distributing is not higher than Server version. If Agent version is higher, the connection between them cannot be established. In general, the EgoSecure Agent can be installed manually from the MSI package on every client. In addition to the manual installation, the Agent can be automatically distributed via the following options:

Manual Installation

  • Copy the to your target machine and extract the archive
  • Start the ESAgentSetup.exe file
  • Confirm with OK
  • Wait until the Installation is finished

Automatic Installation

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