Data Provider III: Silverback
Silverback Connector
Create Token
To create a token, you must have an existing system user with an Administrator role. When you have a system user you want to allow API for, perform the following steps:
- Log in to the Silverback console with Administrator credentials
- Navigate to Admin
- Navigate to User Management
- Click the Edit option for the user you want to add the API token for, keeping in mind the user must belong to the “Administrator” role to use the API.
- Scroll down to the Create API Token section.
- Enable all Scope Permissions and enter a description.
The description has no technical affect on the token, and is used to help you keep track of your tokens.
- Click Create and wait until the process has finished. It can be last up to a minute.
- Click Save
- Go back to your User and check your new token
- Copy the token into your clipboard
Configure Silverback Connector
- Log in to Unified Endpoint Management with Administrator credentials
- Click on the Launcher icon on the top right
- Navigate to Administration
- Click Integration
- Select Data Providers
- Click MWM Silverback
- Click Edit
- Press + in Configurations area
- Add a description (optional)
- Enable import checkbox
- Click settings
- Under server add your Silverback URL, e.g.
- Under API Key paste your previously created token
- Enable Import Tag Catalog
- Enable automatic assignment of principal user to Device (optional)
- Enable automatic assignment of principal user to SIM Card (optional)
- Press SAVE
- Click Test Configuration
- Click Close
- Click Done
- Click Done
Enable Connector
- Press Enable
- Confirm with Yes
- Press Activate (Full Import)
- Confirm with Yes
- Click on MWM Silverback (App Server)
- Scroll down
- Check Import Logs
Check Import
- Click on the Launcher icon on the top right
- Navigate to Unified Endpoint Management
- Expand Endpoint Devices
- Check if devices are listed
Next Steps
- Add your Silverback as Data Provider: Connector I: Empirum Connector
- Configure the File Upload Service Extension
- Proceed with Getting Started Guide
- Proceed with Administrator Guide