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Concept: Azure AD (native) vs. Azure AD (with MyWorkspace): What's the Difference? Which Should You Choose?


In this article, we would like to give you an overview of two ways to connect your ESM Platform (ESMP) based application with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD/AAD) and help to chose one that fits your needs best.

Azure AD (native) vs. Azure AD (with MyWorkspace): What Are They, Exactly?

Azure AD (Native) same as Azure AD (with MyWorkspace) comes with ESMP license and so are present in both Enterprise Service Management (ESM) and Secure Unified Endpoint Management (SUEM) products by default.

However, the set of features that are available in each of them is different and depending on your needs one to be selected.

For instance, in the case of Users/Groups import from Azure AD and/or Authentication with Azure AD is required, Matrix42 recommends using Azure AD (Native).

Azure AD (Native) or Azure AD (with MyWorkspace): What's the Technically the Difference?

In the following table, you are able to see what features are present in both options, as well as what is planned to be developed in future

Feature Azure AD ( Native) Azure AD (with My Workspace)
Import Users to ESMP yes no
Import Groups to ESMP yes no
Filters for Users and Groups import yes no
Import User Groups membership yes no
Authentication from single-tenant yes yes
Authentication from multiple tenants yes yes
Import of Custom Attributes yes ( or higher) no
SAML2 support yes yes
OAUTH2 support no yes
Single sign-on support yes yes
Active Directory Federation Services yes yes
Dynamic Account creation no yes
Delayed Activation no yes
Conditional Access no yes
Users synchronization to AAD planned no
Groups synchronization to AAD planned no
User membership synchronization to AAD planned no
Included to ESMP license yes yes

AD (native) vs. AD (with MyWorkspace): What does Matrix42 recommend?

When On-Premises Active Directory is in use for On-Premises ESM solution - AD (Native) Data Provider is recommended.

However, for the case of ESM as SaaS offering, MyWorkspace AD connector is the recommended option to do Authentication with On-Premises AD.






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