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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Reporting API

Reporting API

The reporting API consists of a dynamic linked library, SNBReportAPICP.dll.

List of public reporting API functions 

Header file Method description


Initializes the reporting API. This must be called before any other function. 


Finalizes and cleans up the reporting API Library. This must be called before the library is unloaded.

SNBReportAPIRequest(const WCHAR* wszAdminPassword, FDE_REPORT_REQUEST request, void ** ppResult)

Starts a request for a specified FDE_REPORT_REQUEST property and returns the result as a property dependence type. Look for the type FDE_REPORT_REQUEST in the SNBReportAPIData.h Header File for more details.

SNBReportAPIFree(FDE_RETURN_TYPE type, void ** ppResult)

For some return values such as string, lists, or more complicated structs, it is necessary for the caller to free the returned result after using it to prevent memory leaks.
FDE_REPORT_TYPE The type of Report Request. This specifies for what setting the caller is looking for.
FDE_RETURN_TYPE The return type of report request. These can be simple types as integer or DWORD or complex list of structs. Complex types must be freed with the SNBReportAPIFree() function to prevent memory leaks. See the SNBReportAPI.h file for special return types.
FDE_REPORT_REQUEST This is a complex property which has two parts, the request type (FDE_REPORT_TYPE) and the type of the return value (FDE_RETURN_TYPE). So, the return type is bound to the request type.

Code samples for reporting API

The public.api package contains a documented code sample for the reporting API. It is located under the folder “example”. There is also a pre-compiled binary version, which can show all information about an EgoSecure Full Disk Encryption installation on the local machine.

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