Ingested Objects
Ingestion is the process of uploading data from ESM deployments to the M42Next cloud platform. M42Next uses Aurora Common Object Models (ACOMs) to store and process data.
ACOMs cannot be uploaded if they have fields marked as Required that are not present.
You can find all the data types that can be ingested in the lists below:
Field | Type | Description | Required |
AnnouncementAudience | Object | Specifies who can access the announcement | No |
departments | Array of IDs | List of unit IDs, roles IDs, and/or user IDs | No |
AnnouncementVisibility | Object | Visibility setting for the announcement, indicating how it's accessible. | No |
status | String | Visibility Status (e.g., Draft, Scheduled, Active, Expired, ...) | No |
audience | Object | Reference to AnnouncementAudience schema | No |
startDate | DateTime | Date and time when the visibility period starts for Active announcement. | No |
endDate | DateTime | Date and time when the visibility period expires for Active announcement. | No |
Announcement | Object | Combination of BaseDataObject and additional properties | Yes |
title | String | Title of the announcement. | Yes |
content | String | Content or message of the announcement. | Yes |
category | Reference | Category of the announcement. | No |
author | Reference | The author of the announcement. | Yes |
relatedTickets | Array of IDs | List of related ticket IDs associated with the announcement. | No |
url | URI String | URL link related to the announcement, if applicable. | No |
visibility | Object | Reference to AnnouncementVisibility schema | No |
Field | Type | Description | Required |
AssetDiscovery | Object | Information about how the asset was discovered or detected | No |
discoveryMethod | String | The method used to discover the asset (e.g., network scan, manual entry) | No |
discoveryDate | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of date and time when the asset was discovered | No |
discoveredBy | String | The entity or tool responsible for discovering the asset | No |
discoveryData | Object | The data returned by the discovery process; The object's format depends on the discovery method | No |
AssetBusinessImpact | Object | Information about the business impact of the asset | No |
level | String | The level of business impact (e.g., User, Work Group, Company) | No |
impactDescription | String | A description of the asset's impact on business operations, services, or objectives | No |
dependencies | Array of Strings | List of other assets or components that depend on this asset | No |
AssetStatusHistory | Object | Description | No |
status | String | The status of the asset | No |
date | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the date and time when the status change occurred | No |
description | String | A description of the status change | No |
changedBy | Reference | Reference to the entity responsible for the status change | No |
Asset | Object | Combination of BaseDataObject and additional properties | Yes |
name | String | Name of the asset | Yes |
manufacturer | String | Manufacturer of the asset | No |
owner | Reference | Owner of the asset | No |
department | Reference | Department responsible for the asset | No |
costCenter | Reference | Cost center associated with the asset | No |
location | Reference | Current physical location of the asset | No |
workplace | Reference | Workplace associated with the asset | No |
type | String | Type of the asset (Computer, monitor, peripheral, printer, etc) | Yes |
category | Reference | Category of the asset (e.g., server, client, application) | No |
serialNumber | String | Serial number of the asset | No |
status | String | Status of the asset (e.g., in use, in maintenance, decommissioned) | Yes |
statusHistory | Array of Objects | A list of status changes that have occurred for the asset | No |
inventoryNumber | String | Inventory number assigned to the asset | No |
model | String | Model of the asset | No |
endOfLife | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the end-of-life date of the asset | No |
purchaseDate | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of date when the asset was purchased | No |
warrantyExpirationDate | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of date of the warranty for the asset | No |
maintenanceContract | String | Maintenance contract details for the asset | No |
depreciationDate | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of date when the asset started depreciating | No |
discovery | Object | Reference to AssetDiscovery schema | No |
businessImpact | Object | Reference to AssetBusinessImpact schema | No |
attachments | Array of IDs | A list of attachments associated with the Asset. Attachments can be used to store additional information about the Asset | No |
KB Article
Field | Type | Description | Required |
KbaVisibility | Object | Visibility setting for the KBA, indicating how it's accessible | No |
audience | Array of References | Specifies who can view the announcement, can be Users, Roles, or Units | No |
KbaComment | Object | No | |
author | Reference | Author of the comment, Unique Identifier or Reference | No |
commentAt | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the date and time when the comment was made | No |
content | String | Text content of the comment. This can include markdown notation | No |
visibility | String | Visibility setting for the comment | No |
KbaVersion | Object | No | |
version | String | Version number of the article | No |
previous | Array of IDs | The unique UUIDs which identify other KBAs which are older/superseded by the current one | No |
KnowledgeBaseArticle | Object | Combination of BaseDataObject and additional properties | Yes |
sourceObjectIds | Array of References | The unique UUIDs which identify the source objects this KBA originated from, for example, one or more Service Desk Tickets | No |
title | String | The title of the article | Yes |
description | String | The description of the article, this is only text but can include markdown notation | Yes |
attachments | Array of IDs | A list of unique IDs of related attachments | No |
url | URI String | The URL of the article, this can be a link to a website or some other resource such as the DWP application link | No |
version | Object | Reference to KbaVersion schema | No |
status | String | The status of the article | No |
categories | Array of References | A list of references of categories that can be used to group articles together | No |
relatedArticles | Array of IDs | The unique UUIDs which identify related articles | No |
relatedTickets | Array of IDs | The unique UUIDs which identify related tickets | No |
type | String | The type of the KBA (General, Known Error,...) | No |
rating | Integer | The rating of the article, this is a number between 0 and 5 | No |
expiration | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the date and time when the article will expire | No |
author | Reference | Unique Identifier or External Reference of the author of the KBA | No |
visibility | Object | Reference to KbaVisibility schema | No |
comments | Array of Objects | Chronologically ordered list of comments made on the article | No |
Field | Type | Description | Required |
Order | Object | Combination of BaseDataObject and additional properties | Yes |
status | String | Current status of the order | Yes |
type | String | Type of the order | Yes |
requester | Reference | Reference of the user who requested the order | No |
recipient | Reference | Reference of the user who is the recipient of the order | Yes |
costCenter | Reference | Reference of the Cost center associated with the booking | Yes |
department | Reference | Reference of the Department associated with the booking | Yes |
location | Reference | Reference of the Location associated with the booking | No |
bookings | Array of IDs | A list of bookings that are part of the order | Yes |
attachments | Array of IDs | A list of unique IDs of related attachments | No |
Service Booking
Field | Type | Description | Required |
ServiceBooking | Object | Combination of BaseDataObject and additional properties | Yes |
name | String | Name of the requested Service. | Yes |
service | Id | Unique identifier of the Service booked. | No |
consumer | Reference | The consumer of the service. | No |
order | Id | Unique identifier of the order to which the booking belongs. | No |
costCenter | Reference | The cost center associated with the booking. | No |
department | Reference | The department associated with the booking. | No |
location | Reference | The location associated with the booking. | No |
status | String | Status of the booking. | Yes |
costs | ServiceBookingCosts | Detailed cost information for the service booking, including price, currency, surcharge, and setup costs. | Yes |
attachments | Array of IDs | A list of unique IDs of related attachments. | No |
comments | Array of ServiceBookingComment | Chronologically ordered list of comments made on the booking. | No |
Change Request
Field | Type | Description | Required |
ServiceDeskChangeRequest | Object | Combination of BaseDataObject and additional properties | Yes |
ticket | ServiceDeskTicket | Reference to the associated service desk ticket | No |
changeType | String | The type of change (Standard, Emergency, etc.) | No |
changeReason | String | The reason or justification for the change | No |
scheduledStartTime | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the scheduled start time for implementing the change | No |
scheduledEndTime | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the scheduled end time for implementing the change | No |
actualStartTime | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the actual start time of the change implementation | No |
actualEndTime | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the actual end time of the change implementation | No |
totalCosts | ServiceDeskTicketChangeRequestTotalCosts | Total costs associated with implementing the change | No |
Field | Type | Description | Required |
ServiceDeskTicket | Object | Combination of BaseDataObject and additional properties | Yes |
type | String | Type of the ticket (e.g., Ticket, Incident, Service Request, Problem) | No |
priority | String | Priority level of the ticket (e.g., Low, Medium, High, Critical) | No |
status | String | Current status of the ticket (e.g., Open, In Progress, Resolved, Closed) | No |
statusHistory | Array | A list of status changes that have occurred for the ticket | No |
createdBy | Reference | Identifier or reference of the user who created the ticket | No |
entryBy | String | Channel used to initiate this ticket (email, phone, portal, etc.) | No |
causedBy | Array | Causes of the problem | No |
assignedTo | Reference | Identifier or reference of the user to whom the ticket is assigned | No |
assignedToRole | Reference | Identifier or reference of the role to whom the ticket is assigned | No |
affectedUsers | Array | Identifiers or references of the users who are affected by the issue | No |
affectedAssets | Array | List of assets affected by the change | No |
affectedServices | Array | List of services affected by the change | No |
title | String | Short title of the ticket | Yes |
description | String | Detailed description of the issue or request, can include markdown notation | Yes |
attachments | Array | List of unique IDs of related attachments | No |
category | Reference | Category of the ticket (e.g., Hardware, Software, Network) | No |
subcategory | Reference | Subcategory for more specific classification (e.g., Printer, Email, Router) | No |
impact | String | Impact level of the ticket (e.g., Low, Medium, High) | No |
urgency | String | Urgency level of the ticket (e.g., Low, Medium, High) | No |
SLA | Reference | Service Level Agreement that applies to the ticket | No |
resolution | String | Resolution details if the ticket is resolved | No |
resolutionDate | DateTime | ISO-8601 format of the date and time when the ticket was resolved | No |
relatedTickets | Array | List of related ticket IDs for tracking linked issues | No |
relatedKBAs | Array | List of related Knowledge Base Article IDs for tracking linked issues | No |
comments | Array | Chronologically ordered list of comments made on the ticket | No |
Field | Type | Description | Required |
Service | Object | Combination of BaseDataObject and additional properties | Yes |
url | String (uri) | The URL for the service | No |
title | String | Title of the service | Yes |
description | String | A clear and brief description of the service, including its purpose and value proposition, can include markdown | Yes |
type | String | Type of the service (Software, Hardware, etc.) | No |
status | String | Current status of the service (Active, Inactive, etc.) | Yes |
operationalPeriods | Array | List of operational periods associated with the service | No |
classification | String | The categorization of services based on their relationship with the business (Business, Supporting, etc.) | No |
rating | Integer | The rating of the service, number between 0 and 5 | No |
bundlingType | String | The bundling type of the service (e.g., Single, Multiple, etc.) | No |
services | Array | List of services that are part of this service, used to define the hierarchy of services | No |
categories | Array | List of categories the service belongs to, used to group services together for easier discovery | No |
SLAs | Array | List of service level agreements associated with the service | No |
owner | Reference | Unique identifier or external reference of the person who is the owner of the service | No |
internalContact | Reference | Unique identifier or external reference of the person who is the internal contact for the service | No |
targetAudience | Array | The primary users or beneficiaries of the service, unique identifiers or external references | No |
dependencies | Array | List of other services or systems that this service depends on (max length: 32) | No |
documentationLink | String (uri) | URL linking to more detailed documentation or user guides for the service | No |
costs | ServiceCosts | Cost details of the service, including base price, currency, setup costs, and recurring costs | No |