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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Test Automation of SolutionBuilder applications: Running e2e for Hotfixes

To run e2e tests for Hotfix do the following:

  1. Get release branch sources from VSTS (e.g. c:\dev\9.1.0)
  2. Get binaries by running UpdateContinuousBuildBinaries.cmd (e.g. c:\dev\9.1.0\UpdateContinuousBuildBinaries.cmd)
  3. Install the application if you haven't prepared Hotfix for this release before otherwise run Deployment.SwitchEnvironment.cmd (e.g. c:\dev\9.1.0\Deployment.SwitchEnvironment.cmd)
  4. Compile the changed solution (if needed)
  5. If needed create a frontend distribution build and replace files (except config.json) under WM folder (e.g. c:\dev\9.1.0\Root\WM)
  6. Check out the respective release branch of the ProtractorUITest repository (e.g. release-
  7. Run `npm install`
  8. Run `collect:objects` gulp task
  9. Run needed e2e tests

To go back to development branch execute Deployment.SwitchEnvironment.cmd file under dev development folder

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