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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Matrix42 Service Connection


Matrix42 Service Connection action allows establishing the connection to Matrix42 Account Services to easily configure Matrix42 features like:

  • MyWorkspace Data Provider
  • Azure Assets Data Provider
  • File Upload Service


  • ESMP v.11.0 or higher
  • Matrix42 Account used for the Authentication is added to the Company Administrators group in Matrix42 ASC system:SC_admin_user.png 


New Matrix42 Service Connection can be added from the Administration area:

  1. Open Administration application;
  2. Proceed to IntegrationService ConnectionsConnections;
  3. Click Add Matrix42 Service Connection action;
  4. Fill out necessary fields:
    • Name: add a Name for the Connection;
    • Description: optional description for the new Service Connection;
  5. Click Authenticate with Matrix42 Account button;
  6. Use the credentials with appropriate for authentication privileges (see prerequisites section):
  7. Click Allow Access on the suggested pop-up page:
  8. Successfully authenticated Account message looks as follows:
  9. To finalize configuration, click Add Matrix42 Service Connection button.

New Service Connection is listed on the Administration → Integration → Service Connections → Connections page:


Service and Tenant objects are created automatically in the background. If the object with the same Client ID exists, the new connection uses an already existing object.

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