Google Drive Tenant Configuration for Google Workspace Service Connection
To register EAP for Service Connections integration, go to Google Cloud Platform:
Open Credentials → Create Project:
- Enter the project name:
- In your project, open APIs & Services menu:
- Configure OAuth consent screen:
Choose the user type depending on your configuration, in this example we selected External option. - Follow the suggested steps and fill out the necessary information:
- OAuth consent screen: enter the App name, User support mail, and Developer contact information. Click Save and continue.
- Scopes: define the permissions you request users to authorize for your app and allow your project to access specific types of private user data from their Google Account. Choose necessary options from the suggested list or add the scopes manually, for instance:
- Click Save and continue and proceed without changes to the Summary page to save your configuration.
- OAuth consent screen: enter the App name, User support mail, and Developer contact information. Click Save and continue.
- Go Back to Dashboard → OAuth consent screen → click Publish App → Confirm:
- Go to Credentials → click + Create Credentials → choose OAuth client ID:
- In Application type, choose Web application:
- Add Authorized redirect URIs:
- Use the generated credentials for the Google Workspace Tenant configuration in Service Connections:
- Additionally, for successful connection authentication, it is required to enable Google Drive API. In the search bar, find and enable Google Drive API:
Enabled Google Drive API is shown in the APIs & Services Dashboard as follows: