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Email settings: Gmail Configuration for Google Workspace Service Connection


This page provides a step-by-step guide on how to configure email sending in  Administration application via Google Workspace, involving modern authentication (OAuth 2.0) and Service Connections

This configuration is available starting from ESMP v.11.0.1 or higher. 

Email configuration belongs to the basic settings of the ESMP, therefore no extra subscriptions (ESMP Subscription) or licenses are required.


  • ESM Platform v.11.0.1 or higher
  • An active and available mailbox that is the same as the one registered for your Google Workspace


Use this video tutorial as a reference:

Configuration steps:

  1. New Service Connection using Google Workspace Service with Google Gmail capabilities;
  2. Emails settings in ESMP Administration area.

Service Connection 

Log in to the Administration area of the ESM Platform, proceed to Integration navigation Item → Service Connections → choose Connections.

  1. To start configuration, click Add Service Connection action:
  2. Fill out the required fields:
  3. In the Service field, select Google Workspace object, which is available by default in the system:
  4. The name for your Service Connection is auto-generated, but you can modify it if necessary:
  5. In the Tenant field, proceed with creating a new tenant. Fill out the name:
  6. In the Service field choose Google Workspace with OAuth Authentication Type:07_gmail1.png
  7. For Client ID and Client Secret, login to Microsoft Azure porta go to Google Cloud Platform:
  8. On the home page of the  Google Cloud Platform,  create a New Project:
  9. Provide a project name. Leave the default configuration in the Location settings:
  10. In the Notifications area, click Select Project:
  11. In the search bar, find and enable Gmail API:

    Enabled Gmail API is shown in the APIs & Services Dashboard as follows:
  12. In the OAuth consent screen, choose External User Type and click Create:
  13. Follow the suggested steps and fill out the necessary information:
    • OAuth consent screen: enter the App name and User support mail:15_gmail.png
    • Scroll down to Authorized domains section and add the necessary domains:
      Add Developer contact information and click Save and continue.
  14. Scopes: define the permissions you request users to authorize for your app and allow your project to access specific types of private user data from their Google Account. Choose necessary options from the suggested list or add the scopes manually, for instance:
  15. Scroll down and click Save and continue. Proceed without changes to the Summary page to save your configuration. 
  16. Go Back to Dashboard → OAuth consent screen → Publishing status → click Publish App → Confirm:
  17. Go to Credentials → click + Create Credentials → choose OAuth client ID:
  18. In Application type, choose Web application:
  19. Enter the name and add Authorized redirect URIsModify the Authorized redirect URIs according to the example:

    Click Create to save the configuration.
  20. Use the generated credentials for the Google Workspace Tenant configuration in Service Connections:
    Google Cloud Platform: Client ID and Client Secret values for Service Connections Tenant configuration
    ESM PlatformClient ID and Client Secret values for Service Connections Tenant configuration
  21. To finalize the Service Connection configuration, in the Administration area click Setup Authentication:
  22. Sign in with your Google account.
  23. Accept the requested permissions:
  24. When Service Connection Authentication has been successfully fulfilled, click Done:

Emails settings 

To finalize the emailing configuration, in the Administration area, open Settings → Edit Global System Settings


In the Emails view:

  • Enabled: select the checkbox to enable emailing
  • Specify SMPT server according to the email server configuration
  • Verify the Default Sender
  • Enable SMTP Authentication
  • Enable Use SSL option
  • Select Modern Authentication (OAuth 2.0) property
    • Mailbox Email Address: enter an address of an active and available mailbox that is the same as the one registered for your Gmail Workspace Account
    • Service Connection: choose a previously created Service Connection


Click Done to finalize the configuration and save changes.

Now your ESM Platform emailing is working.