Fragments Data Service: Delete Fragment Relation
Deletes the relation from Database defined by Data Definition name, fragment ID and Relation name.
The operation is required for managing many-to-many relations.
DELETE https://{server_domain}/m42Services/api/data/fragments/{ddname}/{fragmentid}/{relationname}/{relationfragmentid}
URL Attributes
Element | Description | Type | Required |
ddName | Technical name of the Data Definition (e.g. SPSRatingSummaryClassBase) | string | Required |
fragmentId | Id of the specified Data Definition's fragment. | GUID | Required |
relationName | Technical name of the relation (e.g. AttachedUsers). | string | Required |
relationFragmentId | Id of the Data Definition's fragment that should be removed from a relation. | GUID | Required |
Sample Request
DELETE https://{server_domain}/m42Services/api/data/fragments/SPSActivityClassBase/7b78499b-a4f1-c649-58e9-08d6a61795c2/AttachedUsers/C920215A-523B-E911-1EA7-0C9D921BFEDC
Authorization: Bearer YWsamplezhZARaccessGDuctoken2sYW1
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
The server does not return any response.
Status codes and errors
The following table lists the returned HTTP status codes.
Code | Description |