Close a Problem
Closes a Problem or a list of specified Problems by setting their status to "Close".
POST https://{server_name}/m42Services/api/problem/close
For a list of available HTTP request headers see Web Services: REST API integration.POST body
Element | Description | Type | Required |
Problem related elements | |||
ObjectIds |
Array of GUIDs of the Problems to be closed. |
Array of GUIDs | Required |
Comments | HTML formatted text for the Problem solution. | string | Required |
RetireAnnouncement |
boolean | Optional |
Reason |
specifies a reason for the closed Problem. Possible reason values and meaning:
integer | Optional |
ErrorType |
specify an error type of the closed Problem. Possible error type values and meaning:
integer | Optional |
ServicesAvailability |
specifies affected service availability for the closed Problem. Possible reason values and meaning:
integer | Optional |
AssetsAvailability |
specifies affected asset availability for the closed Problem. Possible reason values and meaning:
integer | Optional |
CategoryId |
All available category GUIDs can be retrieved by get a list of fragments method from SPSScCategoryClassBase fragment, ID element. |
GUID | Optional |
KBArticle |
GUID identifier of the existing knowledge base article that should be related to the closed Problem. All available knowledge base article GUIDs can be retrieved by get a list of fragments method from SVMKBArticleClassBase fragment, ArticleID element. |
GUID | Optional |
Problem-related user e-mail notification properties | |||
SendMailToUsers |
boolean | Optional |
SendMailToInitiator |
boolean | Optional |
NotifyResponsible |
boolean | Optional |
InformFurtherUsers |
users that should be additionally notified of the closed Problem via email. Specify GUIDs of the users who are to receive a one-time email notification about the closed Problem(s). All available user GUIDs can be retrieved by get a list of fragments method from SPSUserClassBasefragment. |
array of GUIDs | Optional |
SendMailToRelatedResponsibleUsers |
boolean | Optional |
Related Incidents properties | |||
CloseRelatedIncidents |
The rest of the enumerated Incident related properties are applied only when CloseRelatedIncidents=true.
boolean | Optional |
IncidentsCategory |
All available category GUIDs can be retrieved by get a list of fragments method from SPSScCategoryClassBase fragment, ID element. |
GUID | Optional |
IncidentsClosingReason |
specifies a reason for the related closed Incident. Possible reason values and meaning:
integer | Optional |
IncidentsErrorType |
specify an error type of the related closed Incident. Possible error type values and meaning:
integer | Optional |
IncidentsAffectedAsset |
GUID of an actually affected by the Incident asset or a physically available device currently represented in the system and added via Assets application. All available asset GUIDs can be retrieved by get a list of fragments method from SPSAssetClassBase fragment, ID element. |
GUID | Optional |
IncidentsAffectedService |
GUID of an actually affected by the Incident service currently available in the system, added via Service Catalog application and represented for the end-users of the Self Service Portal. All available service GUIDs can be retrieved by get a list of fragments method from SPSArticleClassBase fragment, ID element. |
GUID | Optional |
IncidentsAssetsAvailability |
specifies affected asset availability for the closed Incident. Possible reason values and meaning:
integer | Optional |
IncidentsServicesAvailability |
specifies affected service availability for the closed Incident. Possible reason values and meaning:
integer | Optional |
IncidentsCausedByTickets | specify GUIDs of the Problem(s), Task(s) or Change(s) that caused the current Incident. | array of GUIDs | Optional |
SendMailToIncidentsUsers |
boolean | Optional |
Sample Request
POST https://{server_name}/m42Services/api/problem/close
Authorization: Bearer YWsamplezhZARaccessGDuctoken2sYW1
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"Comments": "<p>Problem solution text<p>",
"RetireAnnouncement": true,
"Reason": 402,
"ErrorType": 2,
"ServicesAvailability": 10,
"AssetsAvailability": 20,
"CategoryId": "85-458F-40BD-AEB0-E97B08B933B5",
"KBArticle": "0dd1548e-bbec-c1b5-7d27-08d6a253fcc4",
"SendMailToUsers": true,
"SendMailToInitiator": true,
"NotifyResponsible": true,
"InformFurtherUsers": [ "938a1d78-bde2-4270-9892-402889a263f4" ],
"SendMailToRelatedResponsibleUsers": true,
"CloseRelatedIncidents": true,
"IncidentsCategory": "e348aad8-ccf3-4242-aa98-3c57459af0fc",
"IncidentsClosingReason": 403,
"IncidentsErrorType": 3,
"IncidentsAffectedAsset": "cf4c201e-ce44-48a2-a7fc-e69a524ba632",
"IncidentsAffectedService": "226fb06f-9594-46f3-b77f-2d53824f2dde",
"IncidentsAssetsAvailability": 10,
"IncidentsServicesAvailability": 10,
"IncidentsCausedByTickets": [
"SendMailToIncidentsUsers": true
The server does not return any response.
Status codes and errors
Code | Message |
204 No content | indicates that the server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no content to send in the response payload body. |
400 Bad Request | specifies missing required parameters and arguments of the body message. |
500 Internal server error |