Matrix42 Workflow Studio: VMware Activities
Updating Matrix42 Software Asset & Service Management 8.1.0 to later versions will result in breaking all workflows that contain at least one of the previously implemented VMware activities (Get Power State of VM, Restart Guest OS of VM, Resume VM, Shutdown Guest OS of VM, Start VM, Stop VM, Suspend VM). These activities have been updated in version 8.1.1. Due to the specifics of Workflow Studio, all relevant workflows should be recreated from scratch.
To successfully use the VMware activities, you need to make sure that the following prerequisites are met:
- PowerCLI 5.1 is installed and running on the Matrix42 Workspace Management server.
- PowerShell 2.0 and .Net Framework 3.0 are installed on the vCenter Server host.
Open Connection
The activity establishes a connection to the VMware ESX server or vCenter and returns the output Session variable which contains the connection object and is used as an input property in other VMware activities.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
ESX Server or vCenter | Name or IP address of the server where either ESX hypervisor or vCenter is running. |
Password | Plaintext password. |
User Name | Domain and username. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
- Success = 0
- ParameterError = 100
- ParsingError = 101
- ParametrErrorAfterParsing = 102
- TargetNameNotAssignable = 103
- ConnectFailed = 110
- ReadDetailsFailed = 302
- StorageInformationNotAvaiable = 304
- VMCreationFailed = 350
- VMDeleteFailed = 351
- VMStopFailed = 354
- VMSuspendFailed = 355
- VirtualMachineNotFound = 356
- HyperVisorsInMaintenanceMode = 357
- InvalidDataSoreToCreateVM = 358
- VMSnapshotNotExist = 359
- CouldNotDeleteSnapshot = 362
- VirtualHardDiskCouldNotBeCreatedOnVM = 365
- VirtualHardDiskCouldNotBeDeletedFromVM = 366
- VMMemorySizeCouldNotBeChanged = 367
- VMPropertyNotFound = 370
- UnknownException = 402
- VMAlreadyExist = 502
- VMIsPoweredOn = 510
- VMIsPoweredOff = 511
- DisconnectFailed = 520
- VMForDeleteNotExist = 531
- VMIsAlreadySuspended = 535
- VMwareToolsNotInstalled = 536
- VmTemplateNotFound = 600
- VmTemplateAlreadyExists = 601
- TemplateDeleteFailed = 602
- TemplateCreateFailed = 603
- VmHostNotFound = 700
Close Connection
Closes the opened connection to the VMware ESX server or vCenter, thus it is no longer usable.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
ESX Server or vCenter | Name or IP address of the server where either ESX hypervisor or vCenter is running. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Get Power State of VM
Retrieves the operational state of a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of the virtual machine whose power state you want to retrieve. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Power State | Output variable with the operational state. Possible states are: On, Off, Suspended, and Unknown. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Restart Guest OS of VM
Reboots guest operating systems of a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of the virtual machine whose operating systems you want to restart. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Resume VM
Resumes a virtual machine from the suspended state.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of the virtual machine that should be resumed. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Shutdown Guest OS of VM
Gracefully shuts down guest operating systems of a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of the virtual machine whose operating systems you want to shut down. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Start VM
Powers on a virtual machine that is in a powered-off state.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of the virtual machine that you want to power on. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Stop VM
Powers off a virtual machine with no consideration for running OS.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Check If Stopped | Defines whether to check that a virtual machine was stopped successfully. Possible values are 1 and 0. If the value is 0, the activity will try to stop a virtual machine once and then the workflow will execute the next activity. Otherwise, the activity will make several attempts to stop the virtual machine. |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of the virtual machine that you want to shut down. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Suspend VM
Suspends a virtual machine to save its current state.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of the virtual machine that you want to suspend. |
DisplayName | nderstandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Find VM
Returns an enumeration of IDs of virtual machines.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Folder Name | String value. Location where the virtual machine(s) should be searched for. Complete path to the folder should be specified. |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine if the activity should check whether this virtual machine exists. |
Virtual Machine Name | Name of the virtual machine whose ID you want to retrieve. Use wildcards (asterisk) to search for several virtual machines whose names contain the specified text. Otherwise, only the exact matches will be returned. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
IDs of Found Virtual Machines | Output variable with an enumeration of the retrieved IDs. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Clone VM
Creates a copy of a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Suffix | Text to be added at the end of the virtual machine name to create a name for the duplicate VM. |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine that you want to clone. |
Virtual Machine Name | Name of a virtual machine that you want to clone. Use wildcards (asterisk) to clone several virtual machines whose names contain the specified text. Otherwise, only the exact matches will be cloned. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
IDs of Created Virtual Machines | Output variable with an enumeration of IDs of the duplicate virtual machines. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Create Snapshot of VM
Creates a snapshot of a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Preserve Memory State | Variable of the Int32 type. If the value is $true (1) and if the virtual machine is powered on, the virtual machine's memory state is preserved with the snapshot. |
Quiesce | Variable of the Int32 type. If the value is $true (1) and the virtual machine is powered on, VMware Tools are used to pause running processes on the guest operating system. |
Snapshot Description | Additional information about a snapshot to be taken (date and time, etc.). |
Snapshot Name | Name of a snapshot to be taken. |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine whose snapshot you want to take. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Snapshot ID | Output variable with an ID of the created snapshot. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Get CPU Count of VM
Retrieves the quantity of cores of a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine whose CPU count you want to get. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
CPU Count | Output variable of the Int32 type with a quantity of cores. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Get Memory Size of VM
Retrieves the memory size in MB of a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine whose CPU count you want to get. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Memory Size | Output variable of the Int32 type with the retrieved memory size in MB. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Find VM Template
Returns an enumeration of IDs of virtual machine templates.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Folder Name | String value. Location where the template(s) should be searched for. Complete path to the folder should be specified. |
Template ID | ID of a template if the activity should check whether this template exists. |
Template Name | Name of the template whose ID you want to retrieve. Use wildcards (asterisk) to search for several templates whose names contain the specified text. Otherwise, only the exact matches will be returned. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
IDs of Found Templates | Output variable with an enumeration of the retrieved IDs. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Revert VM to Snapshot
Restores the parent snapshot of the current state of a virtual machine.
Reverting to a snapshot shuts down the virtual machine. To power it on, use the Start VM activity.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Snapshot Name | Name of a snapshot to which a virtual machine should be reverted. |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine that you want to revert to the specified snapshot. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Create VM from Template
Creates a virtual machine based on the specified template.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Host Name | Specify the host computer where a virtual machine should be created. It is recommended to enter the IP address of the host. |
Template ID | ID of a virtual machine template. |
Virtual Machine Name | Specify a name for a new virtual machine. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Virtual Machine ID | Output variable with an ID of the created virtual machine. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Create Template from VM
Creates a virtual machine template based on the specified virtual machine.
A template can be created only from a virtual machine that is not powered on.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Template Name | Specify a name for a new virtual machine template. |
Virtual Machine ID | Id of a virtual machine which you want to create a template from. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Template ID | Output variable with an ID of the created template. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Set Memory Size of VM
Sets the memory size of a virtual machine to the specified amount in MB.
Memory size can be set only for a virtual machine that is powered off.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Memory Size (MB) | Value of the Int32 type. Specify the memory size in MB. Memory size should be divisible by four. |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine whose memory size you want to modify. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Delete VM Template
Deletes a template of a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Template ID | ID of a template to be deleted. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Set CPU Count of VM
Sets the CPU count of a virtual machine to the specified quantity of cores.
CPU count can be set only for a virtual machine that is powered off.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
CPU Count | Value of the Int32 type. Specify the quantity of cores. |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine whose CPU count you want to modify. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Delete VM
Deletes a virtual machine.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine to be deleted. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |
Move VM to Host
Moves a virtual machine to a specified host computer.
Repository category: VMware
Name | Description |
Virtual Machine ID | ID of a virtual machine to be moved. |
Host Name | Name of a computer where you want to move the virtual machine. It is recommended to enter the IP address of the host. |
DisplayName | Understandable name of the activity. |
Exit Code | The return code of the activity. It is a number generated when the activity has finished executing. |
Session | Connection object to the virtualization server. |