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Configuration wizard


The Configuration wizard allows running the automatic system consistency check, redefining the settings applied during Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management installation thus providing advanced access to the global system settings partially available in the Administration application, update the license certificates or uninstall the application.


Please login with your Service User on your application server and run the file <installdir>\bin\Matrix42.Setup.exe. The Matrix42 Setup Wizard will be launched:



Select the configuration wizard language and choose the necessary option to proceed with the configuration.

System Consistency Check

Run the system consistency check to automatically analyze and detect possible issues in the following functionality of Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management system:

  • check the database;
  • analyze all user interface-related ASQL queries for inconsistencies in the data model structure;
  • test all connection settings of the enabled connectors;
  • initializes compliance rules;
  • publish all forms and property dialog pages.

It is recommended to enable the system database backup prior to running the system scan.

Select the necessary checkboxes to run the custom system scan and follow the instructions on the screen:


The system scanning activates the maintenance mode of the application. All data and customizations are not affected and remain intact.

When the consistency check is completed, the system provides the configuration summary if any issues are detected.

Change Configuration

Change Configuration section allows redefining a number of settings applied during Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management installation:


Choose the necessary section and proceed accordingly.

Change Service Account

Before you start the Change Service Account configuration, please ensure the Microsoft console for services is closed. 

  • Service Account is used to communicate with IIS [application pool] and receive client requests. Enter the new Login and Password if you need to change the current service account. The Service Account is also used for database access unless you need a specific account.
  • Specific SQL Server Account can be additionally configured in this section. Set Login and Password.

The specified option and database connection properties are stored in the system configuration file (sps.config) and can be downloaded from the Administration application homepage → Quick Starts section → Download Server Logs action.
Please note that the password of the SQL Server Authentication option is encrypted. If you need to apply these connection strings on other machines or testing environments to have the same setup, the encrypted values in the connection string can be replaced with plain text manually and used only in the testing environment.

Starting from DWP v.12.1.1 most of the settings were moved from  SPS.config file to the PDRDwpConfigurationClass database table (see also, Advanced System Settings).


Configure Analysis & Reporting Services

Refer to this section to update the following settings:

  • Analysis Services Server name;
  • Change Analysis Services DB. Data from the previously used analysis database will no longer be available after the settings are applied;
  • Re-define Warehouse Database Server;
  • Change Warehouse DB name. Data from the previously used warehouse database will no longer be available after the settings are applied;
  • Change Reporting Services URL;
  • Enable and run Redeploy Reports option.


Configure Databases

History database settings

Available settings include:

  • History management: 
    • History Enabled option defines whether the system keeps track of the data changes and stores them in the specified History Database. This global system setting is enabled by default during the system installation and can be changed on this page of the Configuration wizard.
    • History Database field shows the name of the currently used history database. By default, the M42Archive history database name is suggested during the system installation. 
    • Set Recycle History frequency in months to automatically clean up all data from the currently used history database once in a specified period of time. The more the number of set months the more data storage the system requires, which may also lead to performance issues.
    • Create new History Database: select the check-box to clean up data from the currently used history database. The database name cannot be modified and all data stored in the history database will be lost.
  • Configure Transactions Isolation Level Snapshot option.

Configure Databases page example:


Creating a new History database

To create a new History database without losing the data from the currently used DB:

  • Detach the currently used history database: disable the History Enabled check-box option in the Configure Databases section of the Configuration wizard and click Apply.  The wizard disables history tracking and detaches the history database:

    The history data will no longer be available in the user interface from the History wizard and can be browsed directly with the SQL Server Management Studio installed on the application server;
  • Run Configuration wizard → Change Configuration section → Configure Databases:
    1. Select the History Enabled check-box;
    2. Provide a new name for the history database, for instance, M42ArchiveRecordsStorage;
    3. Set Recycle History frequency in months to automatically clean up all data from the currently used history database once in a specified period of time;
    4. Click Apply to run the new history database configuration.

The settings for re-enabled history tracking and custom history database name may look as follows:


Change Database Server

Specify the new server name:


Configure Service Layer

The following configurable options are available in this step of the wizard:


Change Security Configuration

Similarly to the application installation process, the security configuration section allows managing:

STS (Secure Token Service)

During configuration in this area, you can additionally change the following option:

  • Regenerate security keys: when the checkbox is selected, the system regenerates the client's secret key value and as a result, all the users will be signed out and forced to re-login in the Matrix42 application. See also, Secure Token Service configuration page. 
    This option can be helpful if you use the Matrix42 Software Clustering. For details, see also How to install and update nodes in the cluster page.
    It is not available during the installation via Setup Wizard, only in the Configuration Wizard.

Change Cache Configuration

This step is available for the ESMP v.11.0 and greater. In this section, you may redefine whether the application should utilize a built-in In-Memory cache or Redis distributed caching provider. The configuration is the same as described in the Installation: Step by Step guide.


Manage License Certificates

License certificates determine a set of available applications and application modules access levels in the installed Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management solution.

In this area of the Configuration wizard, you can preview currently activated license certificates and activate new ones. License keys can be activated online or uploaded manually from the local storage:

  • Online Activation: enter your license key in the License Key field and click "Activate License" (requires an active Internet connection). This step will generate and save the license certificate in the Certificates folder. Repeat this process for all additional license keys, as required, and then click Apply and close the WIzard. If the license certificate with an older key already exists, we recommend removing the obsolete certificate file from the directory <Matrix43 Installation Path>\Certificates to avoid processing errors.
  • Manual Activation: to update or add new License Certificates manually, place the files with .certificate extension for the products you would like to add in the Certificates folder (by default, it's the following path C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix42\Matrix42 Workplace Management\Certificates) and click Apply.


To apply new certificates without running Configuration Wizard, see also How to add new or update expired License Certificates page.


The uninstall section runs Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management uninstallation:


The wizard automatically removes the web application and related services:


For more information about uninstalling the applications see Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management uninstallation guide.