Define Fleet Management Data Model and Configuration Project
The article demonstrates how by means of the SolutonBuilder Schema Editor to build an initial application Data Model for managing Cars. And how the SolutionBuilder Configuration Project feature helps to track and manage all the relevant changes in SolutionBuilder which could be afterward used for generating Configuration Package and installing the Fleet Management application on the Production environment.
In the scope of the Lesson only the initial Application Data Model is created which aimed to demonstrate the common principles of Schema Editor usage. In further lessons, the Data Model be extended in the scope of each described feature
Step 1: Design the Data Model
To start any Application or just a small feature you need clear understand how the Data Model behind the expected changes ar look like. The following diagram (UML Class Diagram) provides one of the possible ways how the Data Model can be designed upfront.
Step 2: Start Configuration Project
When you design the UUX application in SolutionBuilder, for 99% it affects only changes in the Production Database. And when the Application is fully implemented on Development Environment and needs to be migrated to Production Environment, the only a bunch of Database changes need to applied. To simplify the generation of the Schema scripts relevant for the implemented actions, the SolutionBuilder provides a feature "Configuration Packaging", which helps to organize the recording of the Product configurations relevant to the implemented extension. Creating a new Configuration Project and then starting the recording of changes makes the System automatically track all the relevant change in scope of that Project, and at the end generate the Configuration Package which can be seamlessly installed on another UUX environment.
- Open Solution Bulider Administration application, area "Extensions/Configuration Projects"
- Create a new Project "Facility Management"
- Start automatic recording relevant changes
Step 3: Implement Designed Data Model
- Open SolutionBulider Data Definitions area, under the Administration/Schema Editor, and create a new Data Definitions with type "Pickup" for Car Type, Car Model, Car Brand, Car Gear.
- Fill created Pickups with Data.
- For the Car Model, extends the standard schema of the Pickup class, with additional attribute Brand, to refer the Car Model related Car Manufacturer.
- Start the "New Configuration Item" wizard to set up a new Configuration Item "Car with all required attributes and relations specified on UML diagramm