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Pickup Data Definition


A Pickup is a commonly used Data Definition type. Pickup is actually a table that acts as a list of options, for instance, a Pickup with a list of statuses for incidents, orders, etc.

All Pickups are available in Administration application → Schema → Data Definition → Pickups:

Pickup DD.png

Pickups are available from the Data Definition navigation item and are additionally marked as shown in the example above.

Pickup has the same set of settings as any other Data Definition and additionally allows configuring Data. Although the Pickup settings are practically the same, its usage and purpose differ from the other Data Definition Types.

 Pickup cannot be added as a part of a Configuration Item but can be used in a data definition of other types. See Data Definition: Link to Pickup section for more details.

Pickup Data Properties

Pickup is a lookup table that relates a simple number to textual display value. This relation is configured in the Data section of the Pickup settings.

Creating a Pickup Data Definition

To create a Pickup Data Definition: 

  1. Go to Matrix42 → Administration → Schema → Data Definition
  2. Click Add Data Definition at the top of the Data Definitions page:
    Add Data Definition.png
  3. On the opened New Data Definition dialog:
    • add Internal Name
    • adjust Display Name
    • in the Class Type field, set Pickup
      Attributes and Data will be configured later.
  4. Click Save and Reload Application
    Create Pickup DD.png

Editing and Adding Data to Pickup Data Definition

  1. In Administration → Schema → Data Definition → search and click on the created in the previous step Data Definition of a Pickup Class Type.
  2. In the Attributes tab, the DisplayString, Position, and Value attributes for the Pickup Data Definition were automatically generated:
  3. Go to the Data tab and add one by one the necessary values for the Pickup in the suggested fields:
    • Value: integer value 
    • Position: defines items order displaying in the user interface
    • Display String: actually displayed value in the user interface
    • Hidden: defines whether the data option is available in the user interface:
  • disabled: by default, the checkbox of the Hidden property is not selected. The data item with such property is visible in the application run-time in a list of options that can be chosen from this Pickup.
  • enabled: select the checkbox so that the item is not shown in the user interface and cannot be selected from the list of options.

Pickup Data Hidden.png

With Hidden property enabled, the option is hidden from all elements of the user interface except for the column search:

 To remove the hidden option of the Pickup from the column search make the following changes according to the ESMP version:

ESMP version below 11.0.1

Set the showHiddenValuesInSearch in the dataSource section of the config.json file to false:

"dataSource":  {
                       "showHiddenValuesInSearch":  false


ESMP version 11.0.1

Apply the following script to production database: 

insert into PDRDwpFrontendConfigurationClass ([Value],[Type],[Key],UsedInTypeSPSGlobalConfigurationType) 
select 'false',9,'dataSource.showHiddenValuesInSearch','CC0EA0CD-A84A-487C-AE1D-A68EF33E7DE1' 


ESMP version 11.0.2 and higher

Go to Administration application → SettingsFrontend settings → disable or enable Show Hidden Values In Search checkbox. See also Global System Settings: Frontend Settings.

A pickup should not be used for data that is frequently changed; it should be used only for static data.

Pickup in the User Interface

 The SVMAnnouncementPickupVisibility pickup with the above-mentioned Data settings is displayed in the user interface as follows:

DD_Pickup in UI.png

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