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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Matrix42 Developer Identities

A Matrix42 Developer Identity certifies an individual to develop secure Matrix42 Extensions for the Matrix42 Enterprise Automation Platform. With these certificates, a developer can ensure that his/her Extensions are not malware and are not tampered with when a consumer is downloading/installing them via the Matrix42 DevOps Services.


  • A Matrix42 Cloud Account. (
  • Membership in the "Matrix42 Extension Developers" or the "Company Administrators"-Role of your vendor.

Issue a Matrix42 Developer Identity using the Matrix42 Command-Line Interface

You can easily issue yourself a new Matrix42 Developer Identity certificate using the Matrix42 Command-Line Interface (CLI).

To use the CLI you will need to have npm installed on your device. You can find a guide on how to install npm in the official npm documentation:
Downloading and installing Node.js and npm | npm Docs (

Now all you need to do is install the Matrix42 CLI using npm:

> npm i -g @matrix42/cli

 Now you can login with your Matrix42 Cloud Account using the login command:

> m42 login

Look out for a new Browser window that might prompt for your Matrix42 Account login.

After you successfully logged in you can use the new-developer-identity command to issue yourself a new Matrix42 Developer Identity:

> m42 new-developer-identity my-identity.pfx

 Please make sure to store your Matrix42 Developer Identity certificate and its password safely. Do not hand it out to anyone.

When another person than yourself got access to your Matrix42 Developer Identity, contact Matrix42 Support immediately.

Using your Matrix42 Developer Identity

You can use your Developer Identity to digitally sign your Matrix42 Extensions.

Read more about how to sign Releases here.

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