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Matrix42 Workflow Studio: General Workflow Activities


The General category contains a set of Workflow Activities for fulfilling general Workspace Management tasks, like accessing and modifying the data in Production database, or sending emails.

Data activities

Create Object

Creates a new configuration item, configures its attributes and fragments and returns the ID of the created CI.

Repository category: General > Data




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity. You can use the icons to view a list of items  or to search for an entry.

CI Type

Configuration item that should be created.

Configure Attributes

Attributes of the object.

Object ID

Unique number of the created object.


Update Objects

Updates one or more object instances of the specified Configuration Item.

Repository category: General > Data




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity. You can use the icons to view a list of items  or to search for an entry.

CI Type

Configuration item that should be updated.

Configure Attributes

Attributes of the object that will be updated by the workflow activity. If the object has localized values, the workflow activity will update only localized attributes of the current Default System Language set in Administration Global System Settings → Regional Settings Default System Language field.

Current user profile language is not considered. 

Object IDs

Object identifiers that should be updated.


Delete Objects

Deletes one or more object instances of any configuration item.

Repository category: General > Data




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

Object IDs

Object identifiers that should be deleted.


Create Fragments

Creates one or more fragments for the specified configuration item and returns identifiers of the created fragments. Please note that only multi-fragments are supported.

Repository category: General > Data




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity. You can use the icons to view a list of items  or to search for an entry.

Object ID

Object identifier for which the fragments will be created.

Fragment Data Definition

Data definition that should be created.

Configure Fragments

Attributes of the fragments.

Fragment IDs

Unique numbers of the created fragments.


Update Fragments

Updates data definition fragments and returns unique numbers of the updated fragments.

Repository category: General > Data




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity. You can use the icons to view a list of items  or to search for an entry.

Fragment Data Definition

Data definition of the fragments.

Configure Fragments

Filters the attributes of the fragments that will be updated by the workflow activity. This activity updates the attributes that belong to the English locale. The changes are recorded to the main Data Definition entity where this change is applicable, for instance see SPSArticleClassBase

If you need to update the localized values, that are stored in the auxiliary Data Definition with a "-CI" suffix, for instance see SPSArticleClassBase-CI, proceed with the Update Objects workflow activity that will update only localized attributes of the current Default System Language set in Administration Global System Settings → Regional Settings Default System Language field.

Current user profile language is not considered. 

Fragment IDs

Unique numbers of the updated fragments.


Delete Fragments

Deletes one or more fragments of the specified configuration item. Please note that only multi-fragments are supported.

Repository category: General > Data




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

Object IDs

Unique numbers of the objects for which the fragments will be deleted.

Fragment Data Definition

Data definition fragments that should be deleted.


Get Data (Obsolete)

The Get Data activity is not available anymore, because this activity has been divided into two activities: Get Multiple Records Data and Get Single Record Data. The activity can still be executed in the existing workflows, but cannot be added or edited anymore. If you want to edit an existing workflow with this activity, you should delete the Get Data activity and add either the Single or the Multiple activity accordingly.

Get Multiple Records Data

Retrieves several data records that can be processed in the sub-flow of the activity.

Repository category: General > Data

 All data collected by this activity is written into the workflow before executing the foreach. Therefore, when the logic inside the workflow uses any pause/resume functionality, this can lead to a large amount of data being written when the workflow is persisted or loaded from the database.

In such cases, we recommend collecting only the object or fragment IDs within the get multiple records data activity, and then using get single record data in the get multi-flow chart to retrieve all relevant data for one object between each workflow persist/resume process.




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity. You can use the icons to view a list of items  or to search for an entry.

Data Definition

Root data definition.

Where Expression

The "where" expression to filter the result set.

Has Result

Indicates whether the query results were assigned to corresponding variables. In case of several records, Has Result is true until the last data record is read and assigned to corresponding variables.

Row Count

Number of records in the result set.


Get Single Record Data

Retrieves a single data record by applying specified where expression.

By default the activity fails if no records are returned. In case you need to proceed if no records are found, you should set the Proceed on empty result property to true. Then you can check the Has Result property to determine whether the record exists. If more than one record is returned, the first record is taken.

Repository category: General > Data




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity. You can use the icons to view a list of items  or to search for an entry.

Data Definition

Root data definition.

Where Expression

The "where" expression to filter the result set.

Proceed on empty result

If true, the workflow proceeds if no records are retrieved, otherwise – false.

Has Result

Indicates whether the query results were assigned to the corresponding variables.


Update Status

Changes the status and the status reason of any given objects.

Repository category: General > Data




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

CI Type

Configuration item for which the status will be updated.

Object IDs

Object identifiers.


Status that is assigned to the configuration item.

Status Reason

Reason for the assigned status.


History Workflow Activities are a part of the History SDK and are available starting from EAP v.12.0.0.

There are 4 different workflow activities that offer methods to browse the history data. These are located in the workflow studio under GeneralHistory and are as follows:

  1. GetTransactions
  2. GetTransactionDetailsObject
  3. GetTransactionDetailsCi
  4. GetTransactionDetailsAttribute

All 4 activities may return a large amount of data. To handle this all activities share a mechanism to page the data. 
The 2 properties "Previous continuation token: string" and "Continuation token: string" are used to iterate the data. The first request should set the "Previous continuation token" to Nothing. If the activities return any value, more data is available in the "Continuation token" output property. To get the next page leave all other parameters the same and set the "Previous continuation token" to the value from the "Continuation token", repeat this until the "Continuation token" returns Nothing.


This activity behaves the same way as the history wizard UI. The only mandatory parameter is the "Object ID", you are asking for the transactions of one instance of a Configuration Item.

Input parameters

Parameter name Type Mandatory Description
Attributes Guid[]  optional  filters for transactions that have a change of a certain attribute. Specify the attributes by their Schema ID
From DateTime optional filters for transactions that happened after this value
Object ID Guid mandatory The Object Id of the CI instance you want to receive
Previous continuation token string optional used for paging
Transaction Type Guid optional A history transaction can be of a certain type (f.e. GDI transactions)
Until DateTime optional filters for transactions that happened before this value
User ID Guid  optional  filters for transactions performed by this user

Output parameters

Parameter name Type Description
Continuation token string used for paging
Transactions ObjectTransaction[] an array of transactions is described below
ObjectTransaction type

This contains basic information about a transaction, for more details, you must use the GetTransactionDetailsObject activity with the Id of the transaction as one of the parameters.
The attributes of the class are:

Attribute name Type Description
Id Guid the id of the transaction, this can be used to get more details about the changes
LogDate DateTime The Date when the transaction was logged
Description string The name of the application from the connection, normally this is ".Net SqlClient Data Provider"
UserId Guid The Id of the user that made the changes, might be not set if the change was not made by the application
UserName string The name of the user that made the change
AffectedObjectsDescription string The DisplayExpressions of the objects that were changed during the transaction. Might be incomplete if no DisplayExpression is known or too many changes were done
AffectedObjectsCount int The number of objects changed during the transaction
AffectedObjectAttributes ObjectTransactionAttributeChange   general overview of changes made during a transaction is described in detail below
ObjectTransactionAttributeChange type
Attribute name Type Description
ObjectId Guid The id of the CI instance that was changed
ObjectChangeType ObjectChangeType

enum with the possible values:

  • Update = 0
  • Insert = 1
  • Delete = 2
AttributeIds List<Guid> List of SchemaIds of attributes changed for this object


This activity uses the transaction Id from the GetTransactions activity and provides more detailed information for a transaction, especially the data changes. It corresponds to the UI action in the History Wizard when you click on a transaction record.

Input parameters

Parameter name Type Mandatory Description
ObjectId Guid mandatory The Object Id of the CI instance you want to receive should be the same as the one that was used to get the transactions
Previous continuation token string optional used for paging
Transaction Id Guid optional The Id of one of the array elements in the Transactions from a GetTransactions activity

Output parameters

Parameter name Type Description
Attribute changes ObjectTransactionDetailScalar[] an array of changes for non-relational attributes
Continuation token string used for paging
Relation changes ObjectTransactionDetailRelation[] an array of changes for relation changes
ObjectTransactionDetailScalar and ObjectTransactionDetailRelation types

These types contain information about the changes on the lowest level.

Attributes Attribute name Type Description
Common attributes AttributeId Guid the Schema Id of the attribute that was changed
TransactionDate DateTime the time of the change
FragmentId Guid The id of the instance of the Data Definition (might be Nothing)
ObjectId Guid The id of the instance of the Configuration Item
TypeId Guid The Schema id of Configuration Item
ObjectName string The display name of the instance, might be Nothing
ObjectChangeType ObjectChangeType

An enum with these possible values:

  • Update = 0
  • Insert = 1
  • Delete = 2
ObjectTransactionDetailScalar attributes OldValue string The value before the change
NewValue string The value after the change
ObjectTransactionDetailRelation attributes NewReferencedFragmentName string The DisplayExpression of the new relation value (might be Nothing in case no DisplayExpression is present or deletion)
NewReferencedFragmentId Guid The id of the referenced fragment after the change (might be Nothing in case of deletion)
OldReferencedFragmentName string The DisplayExpression of the removed relation value (might be Nothing in case no DisplayExpression is present or the relation was not set before)
OldReferencedFragmentId Guid The id of the referenced fragment before the change (might be Nothing in case the relation was not set)
RelationChangeType RelationChangeType

an enum with these possible values:

  • Set = 0
  • Removed = 1


This activity gives you all changes for a certain CI, this can be a massive amount of data so it is very important that you specify good boundaries. You must specify the change type (update, insert or delete). The output is the same as the output of the GetTransactionDetailsObject activity.

Input parameters

Parameter name Type Mandatory Description
Change Type ObjectChangeType mandatory

enum with the possible values:

  • Update = 0
  • Insert = 1
  • Delete = 2
Ci Id Guid mandatory The Schema Id of the CI
From DateTime optional  filters for changes that happened after this value
 Previous continuation token string optional  used for paging
Until DateTime optional filters for changes that happened before this value

Output parameters

Parameter name Type Description  
Attribute changes ObjectTransactionDetailScalar[] an array of changes for non-relational attributes  
Continuation token string used for paging  
Relation changes ObjectTransactionDetailRelation[] an array of changes for relation changes  


This activity gives you all changes for a certain CI for one attribute. The output is the same as the output of the GetTransactionDetailsObject.

Input parameters

Parameter name Type Mandatory Description
Attribute Id Guid mandatory The Schema Id of the attribute
Ci Id Guid mandatory The Schema Id of the CI
From DateTime optional  filters for changes that happened after this value
Previous continuation token string optional  used for paging
Until DateTime optional filters for changes that happened before this value

Output parameters

Parameter name Type Description
Attribute changes ObjectTransactionDetailScalar[] an array of changes for non-relational attributes
Continuation token string used for paging
Relation changes ObjectTransactionDetailRelation[] an array of changes for relation changes

Other General Activities

Close Task

Closes tasks in Matrix42 Workspace Management.

Repository category: General




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.


Unique number of the created task object (Expression-ObjectID).


Task closing solution.

Closing Reason

Reason for closing of the task (SPSCommonPickupObjectStateReason.Value).


Create Task

Creates new tasks within Matrix42 Workspace Management.

Repository category: General




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.


Summary of the task.


Description of the task.


Solution of the task.

Type of Task

Type of the task.


Category of the task (SPSScCategoryClassBase.ID).


Priority of the task (SPSActivityPickup.Priority).


Date when the task is resubmitted.


Service Level Agreement that is related to the task (SVCServiceLevelAgreementClassBase.ID).


Person who is responsible for the task (SPSUserClassBase.ID).


Responsible User

Responsible Role

Role that is responsible for the task (SPSScRoleClassBase.ID).

Notify Responsible

Specifies whether to send email notifications about the task changes to the person who is responsible for the task.

Notify Related Users

Specifies whether to send email notifications about the task changes to users that are related to the task.

Related Users

List of users that are related to the task (SPSUserClassBase.ID).

Related Topics

List of topics that are related to the task (SPSCommonClassBase.ID).

Task ID

Unique number of the created task object (Expression-ObjectID).


Error Handler

Analyzes the return value and creates e.g. corresponding tasks if execution of another activity failed (e.g. Invoke PowerShell activity). Depending on the closing reason from this created task, the activity will be executed again or successfully finished.

Repository category: General




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

Attempts Count

Number of attempts for successful execution of all workflow activities that were defined in the Body.


Exception object that is thrown in the Body block. Exception is not returned when the Body was successfully executed in any attempt.

Exception Message

Message that is shown in case of an exception.

Execution Result

Indicates whether the Body block is successfully executed within the allotted attempts.

Exit Condition

Logical VB Script expression which evaluates result of the Handling block execution and determines whether to terminate the further attempts to execute the Body block.

On Edit (double-click an activity):




The Body block contains the guarded activities that may cause the exception. The block is executed until an exception is thrown or it is completed successfully.


The Handling block defines the logic for handling exception that is thrown in the Body block.


Execute GDI Sequence

Starts the asynchronous execution of a GDI sequence and returns information about the success or errors of the operation. Please note that the activity does not fail if the import is finished with failure. The result should be handled explicitly.

You cannot use this activity in any parallel activities. Import is not properly executed in such workflows.

Repository category: General




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

GDI Sequence

Import sequence that should be executed.

Input File Path

Path to the file that should be imported.

Result Code

0 - Unknown

1 - Full Success

2 - Partial Success

3 - Failure

Result Description

Contains error details in case of the failed import.


Get Global Configuration

Reads a specified attribute from the Global System Settings and provides the attribute value in a variable, which can be used in further activities.

Repository category: General




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

Config. Attribute

Defines the Global System Settings attribute that should be selected and a workflow variable that should store the attribute value.


Http Send

This activity is used for making an HTTP request to a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

Repository category: General







Username for password-based authentication.


Password for password-based authentication.



Understandable name of the activity.


.NET type to which the response will be cast.

For example, JSON content can be cast to System.Json.JsonObject, XML content can be casted to XDocument or XmlDocument.


Content Type

The media type of the Web request:

  • JSON (default)
  • XML
  • TEXT
  • HTML
  • ANY


If necessary, use this property to send additional information about the HTTP request, such as authentication type, type of compression, content language, etc. In the Request Headers designer, specify the name and data type of the header in the Name and Type columns respectively. Then in the Variable / Argument / Expression column, define the source of the header value, for instance:


Ignore failure

If the checkbox is selected, the activity will finish successfully even in case the HTTP request fails.


The request method that will be used to contact the Web resource. Available options:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD

Request Data

The body of the request with parameters (optional).

Service Connection

To make a request to the Service Connection resource:

  1. Choose from the list of the configured in the system Service Connections
  2. Set the Uri


Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Internet resource that actually responds to the request.


Response Data

Output property. It returns response data deserialized to an object of the type defined in the TypeArgument property. When the request is failed (e..g "Bad Request", "Internal Server Error"), only Response Status Code is returned and Response Data stays empty

Status Code

Output property. It returns the status code of the HTTP response.

Retry Delay Time The default time is set to 1 minute.
Retry Condition Condition to retry the activity.

Properties configuration example:

Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 6.27.26 PM.png

Invoke PowerShell

Runs PowerShell scripts, which can be edited directly in the Workflow Studio.

Repository category: General






Display Name

internally used custom name of the configured activity.

Type Argument

data type of the successfully run activity. Defines the type of the script’s Output Result.

 Default value: PowerShell object defined as System.Management.Automation.PSObject

Output Result

A variable that holds the script’s output result.  Assign a variable from the scope of the workflow or create a new one.

The output result suggests all variables from the workflow scope of the previously selected TypeArgument:


  1. Specified TypeArgument;
  2. Output Result configuration;
  3. Suggested variables that can be assigned as the script’s output result.

The output result can be used later on in the subsequent activity or assigned as the workflow’s result and invoked in another workflow.

The result of the Powershell execution is everything that is written the output (e.g. by command Write-Output) or implicitly returned by operator "return". For more details see About Powershell Return

Properties Parameters

List of PowerShell script input parameters that are bound with workflow variables.

Parameters property allows assigning default values or data sources from the scope of the current workflow.

Parameters are automatically retrieved and parsed from the param() section of the PowerShell Script, while values are assigned manually:

Parameters with name "Parameter" is not allowed and is system reserved name


Parameters configuration example

  • Name: variable name as it was declared in the PowerShell Script property. Retrieved automatically from the Script.
  • Direction: “In” only, non-editable, specifies the parameter as an input argument of the script.
  • Type: data type of the parameter passed to the script. Retrieved automatically from the Script.
  • Value: manually assigned value of the parameter (static value, variable from the scope of the workflow or an expression).

Use “Ctrl + Space bar” for  Value auto-suggestions.

Other parameters can be added and defined manually with “Create Argument” option of the Parameters settings.


checkbox options:

  • Disabled (default): activity is run as a part of a workflow in a non-persisted state, i.e. the workflow instance cannot be recovered after the host failure or computer failure.  
  • Enabled: saves the intermediate state of the suspended or idle workflow activity in the database and allows resuming from the saved point. This option provides a point of recovery for the workflow instance and is recommended when the activity executes a long-running script or script that processes large amounts of data.
Run on Application Server

This property will be discontinued soon, and all PowerShell scripts will run remotely (not on the Application Server).

checkbox options:

  • Disabled (default): the activity will be run on the Matrix42 Worker Engine. If multiple Workers are installed on different servers, which run the worker workflow engine, make sure that needed PS Modules are installed on all Worker Servers. 
  • Enabled: indicates that the activity will be run on the Application Server.  Select this checkbox to ensure that the PowerShell script will only be executed on the Application Server. This option is relevant when an additional worker is running workflow engine on other servers. If enabled, it is running in M42Service Application Pool in IIS process on the server and has access to all components and resources loaded to this process.


PowerShell script, executed by the workflow activity.

  1. Add a param() section declaring all variables initialized by the PowerShell script and their types. This section is automatically parsed to the Parameters property of the configured workflow activity;
  2. Add the script body;
  3. Optionally, declare the result of the run script explicitly. The result of each PowerShell script block is returned as output, even without an explicit Return keyword and can be assigned to the Output Result property.


Script property configuration example


Binds PowerShell variables with workflow variables.

Variables in this property represent a set of manually configured variables, available in the scope of the current activity.

The main difference from the Parameters configuration is the variables direction or the way data flows into and out of an activity. 

Each argument has a specified direction:

  • In: represents the flow of data into activity (the same as the Properties arguments);
  • Out: represents the flow of data out of activity and sets the values of the PowerShell script to the workflow variables;
  • In/Out : the flow of data into and out of activity

Variables declared in this section do not have to be declared additionally in the PowerShell Script section.

See also Invoke PowerShell Workflow Activity usage in Service Connections.

Configuration steps

In the Workflow Studio Editor open a Repository and search for the Invoke PowerShell activity, drag&drop it on the workflow editor and configure properties as follows:

  1. Edit the Script property: declare input parameters and add the PowerShell script body, for instance:
    Import-Csv $InputFile
  2. Edit the Parametersdefine the values of the automatically parsed parameters from the Script's param() section:
  3. Specify the Output Result according to the data type, defined in the TypeArgument property(1), assign the Output Result to the available in the workflow scope variable(2):
  4. Optionally, adjust the DisplayName, Persist activity mode, activity Variables and their data flow direction.


Executing PowerShell commands remotely

The Invoke PowerShell activity can be used for executing various commands remotely. This way you can cover many business scenarios, for example, distributing files as well as running executable files and scripts on remote computers.

Two prerequisites should be met to successfully execute PowerShell commands remotely.

  1. Edit the Script property of the Invoke PowerShell activity by adding the Invoke-Command cdmlet to it.

For example, the following syntax will run the script specified in the Invoke PowerShell activity on a remote computer under the credentials of this computer:

#Create credential object
$SecurePassWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -Force
$Cred = New-Object -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList $Username, $SecurePassWord

#Create session object with this
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -credential $Cred

#Invoke-Command -Session $Session -Script $Script
Invoke-Command -computername $ComputerName -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock $Script -Authentication Credssp -ArgumentList $DownloadPath,$ComputerName

#Close Session
Remove-PSSession -Session $Session
  1. To configure transfer of credentials between the domain controller and client computers, you need to run additional commands.
  • On the client computers, run the following command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role server

 To make sure that everything is configured correctly, run the Get-WSManCredSSP cmdlet. The following output indicates that everything is correct:

#The machine is not configured to allow delegating fresh credentials. 
#This computer is configured to receive credentials from a remote client computer.
  • On the Matrix42 Workspace Management server computer, you need to allow credential delegation in PowerShell. From an Administrative PowerShell prompt, run the following command:
  • For one client computer:
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer
  • For all computers in a domain:
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer *

Resume Object Workflow

The workflow activity resumes workflow instances that affect a specified object (collection of objects).

Repository category: General





Understandable name of the activity.


List of objects that have related suspended workflow instances.


Data that will be passed to a resumed workflow instance.


Send Email

The legacy Workflow Activity which creates and sends email messages to specified recipients.

For sending emails it is recommended to use new Activity "Send Email UUX".

The design for body and Subject of the Email, as well as localizations, are persisted within the Activity, which causes you to rework the whole Workflow any time the mail needs to be adjusted.

Repository category: General




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

Sender Address

Email address of the sender which will be set in an email. In case the Property is not defined, the Default Sender from General Settings will be set.

Recipients (TO)

Address collection that contains the references to persons who receive the email message. Other recipients such as roles, business partners, or business contacts can be dynamically defined.

Recipients (CC)

Address collection that contains references to persons who receive the carbon copy of the email message. Other recipients such as roles, business partners, or business contacts can be dynamically defined.

Recipients (BCC)

Address collection that contains references to persons who receive the blind carbon copy of the email message. Other recipients such as roles, business partners, or business contacts can be dynamically defined.

Recipient Addresses (TO)

Collection of email addresses that are separated with a semicolon (;) as email recipients.

Recipient Addresses (CC)

Collection of email addresses that are separated with a semicolon (;) as carbon copy recipients.

Recipient Addresses (BCC)

Collection of email addresses that are separated with a semicolon (;) as blind carbon copy recipients.


Subject of the email message. Uses the Localization Editor which allows providing a single-line string with placeholders localized to all supported languages in the System. The placeholders are replaced in runtime.


Body of the email message.

E-Mail Signature

Signature that will appear at the end of the email message.

Message Priority

Priority level of the email.


Send Email UUX    

Activity is used for sending emails to specified recipients. The activity uses the new Email Engine & Designer module for generating emails in run-time, which provides a unified way for designing and generating emails which consider recipients' preferences, such as the language, time zone, and culture. Before using the Activity in a Workflow, the email template needs to be designed in the Email Designer and stored in an Email Descriptor.


Name Description
Email Descriptor The reference to an Email Descriptor object which defines the Email template and input parameters
Parameters List of input parameters defined in selected Email Descriptor which needs to be set for generating an email. 
Sender Address Email address of the sender which will be set in an email. In case the Property is not defined, the Default Sender from the General Settings will be set.
Recipients (TO) Address collection that contains references to persons who receive the email message. 
Recipients (CC) Address collection that contains references to persons who receive the carbon copy of the email message. 
Recipients (BCC) Address collection that contains references to persons who receive the blind carbon copy of the email message. 
Recipient Addresses (TO) Collection of email addresses that are separated with a semicolon (;) as email recipients.
Recipient Addresses (CC) Collection of email addresses that are separated with a semicolon (;) as carbon copy recipients.
Recipient Addresses (BCC) Collection of email addresses that are separated with a semicolon (;) as blind carbon copy recipients.
Recipient Roles (TO) Defines the list of the Roles all members of those get an email as recipients
Recipient Roles (CC) Defines the list of the Roles all members of those get an email as carbon copy recipients
Attachments (file Ids) Refers to files that need to be sent as attachments (Attribute FileGuid in dbo.Files) 
E-Mail Signature Signature that will appear at the end of the email message.


The workflow activity helps construct an object of the System.Json.JsonObject type. Once the object is set up, it can be easily converted to JSON string, using the ToString() method.

For more information on System.Json.JsonObject type, see System.Json Namespace.

Repository category: General





Understandable name of the activity.

Result JSON Object

Output property. It returns an object of the System.Json.JsonObject type which keeps properties and their values that are defined in the Properties property.

JSON Object

This property is optional. It specifies an object of the System.Json.JsonObject type that should be updated. If the property is not set up, the activity will create a new JSON object.


List of properties that need to be added for the JSON object.


Update Task

Updates any attributes of the existing tasks. The selected (not empty) properties will normally be replaced in the task. In case of the Journal EntryRelated Topics, and Related Users properties, entries will be added to the task and will not be replaced.

Repository category: General




Task ID

Unique number of the task object (Expression-ObjectID).

Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.


Current status of the task.


Summary of the task


Description of the task.


Task solution.

Type of Task

Type of the task.

Journal Entry

Text to add to a new journal record.


Category of the task (SPSScCategoryClassBase.ID).


Priority of the task (SPSActivityPickup.Priority).


Date when the task is resubmitted.


Service Level Agreement that is related to the task (SVCServiceLevelAgreementClassBase.ID).


Person who created the task (SPSUserClassBase.ID).


Person who initiated the task (SPSUserClassBase.ID).

Responsible User

Person who is responsible for the task (SPSUserClassBase.ID).

Responsible Role

Role that is responsible for the task (SPSScRoleClassBase.ID).

Notify Responsible

Specifies whether to send email notifications about the task changes to the person who is responsible for the task.

Notify Related Users

Specifies whether to send email notifications about the changes of the task to users that are related to the task.

Related Users

List of users that are related to the task (SPSUserClassBase.ID).

Related Topics

List of topics that are related to the task (SPSCommonClassBase.ID).


Wait for Activities

Suspends the workflow execution until the specific, previously created activities such as task or change are closed. After this activity is closed, the workflow execution will be resumed.

Repository category: General




Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

Activity IDs

Unique numbers of the activity objects (tasks, incidents, problems, approvals etc.)

Closed Activity IDs

Output variable that will contain IDs of closed activities.

Completion Condition

Condition under which closed activities will resume the workflow execution.


Wait for Activity

Suspends the workflow execution until the specific, previously created activities such as task or change are closed. After this activity is closed, the workflow execution will be resumed. The closing reason of the activity will be returned to the workflow for further processing.

Repository category: General





Unique number of an activity object (task, incident, problem, approval etc.)

Display Name

Understandable name of the activity.

Closing Reason

Reason which was set on waited activity closing (SPSCommonPickupObjectStateReason.Value).