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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Dashboard Widget


Dashboard Widget is a graphical element of a user interface that serves as a container for other control descriptors that can hold information:


Dashboard Widgets display example on the Home page of the Service Desk

Dashboard Widget itself does not have any properties that are actually related to the data retrieval to the layout as it is only a block or area on the layout canvas. Due to its particular purpose, the Dashboard Widget properties allow configuring only the visual representation of this area on the layout.

Starting from EAP v.12.1.0 a new Widget Layout with a set of standard Widget Library where you can also retrieve and filter data is introduced.

Dashboard Widget can be used on the Landing Page layout type that has Enable Personalization property selected:
Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 16.04.47.png

To configure a new Dashboard Widget, open the Landing Page in the Layout Designer and click the + icon:


Properties and Settings 

Dashboard Widget has the following configurable properties:

Property Group Property Name Description Default  Property Setting Example



The title of the widget is shown in the application runtime on the Landing Page and in the Dashboard Configuration area as follows:

widget title1.png

  • ❌  not set: the title is not shown on the Landing Page. The Dashboard Configuration area suggests the widget by its technical name, for instance, dashboard-widget1:
    Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 13.45.39.png
  • Other options: the title can be a Static value, Localizable, or retrieved from the Model.
not set dashboard_widget_title.png


Optional short description of the widget that is shown to the users in the dashboard configuration area:


Description can be a Static value, Localizable, or retrieved from the Model.

not set dashboard_widget_description.png



help icon and tooltip for information displaying as:

  • ❌  not set: help icon is not shown;
  • Static value: manually entered text displayed in a pop-up window. The text of the prompted message  is edited in a standard text editor and can include plain text, headings, links, and lists;
  • Localizable:  plain text specified per each available in the system locale. Shows appropriate localized help message according to the currently selected by the user language profile settings;
  • Model: displayed data is retrieved from a specified data model field.
not set dashboard_widget_help.png


the auto-generated internal name of the control used in the layout auto-generated dashboard_widget_name.png



An icon of the widget is shown in the Dashboard Configuration area as follows:


  • ❌  not set: widget has a default icon;
  • Other options: choose an icon from the suggested Library, Model source, or Image URL.
not set widget_icon_example.png

Layout Direction

If applicable, defines the elements' layout direction in the widget that contains more than 1 control descriptor:

  • Vertical: elements are placed vertically
    Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 14.08.08.png
  • Horizontal: elements are placed horizontally
    Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 14.31.38.png
vertical widget_layout_direction.png

Horizontal Alignment

Elements' horizontal alignment options:

  • Default
  • Start
  • Center
  • End
  • Justify
  • Spaced
not set widget_horizontal_alignment.png

Vertical Alignment

Elements' vertical alignment options:

  • Default
  • Start
  • Center
  • End
  • Stretch
not set widget_vertical_alignment.png

Dynamic Height

Automatically adjust the height of the widget when the content height is changed Disabled widget_dynamic_height.png


Defines whether a widget will be available for the user.

Possible options:

  • True: user has access to the widget
  • False: widget is disabled 
  • Model: allows dynamically define the widget availability conditions
  • Not set: user has access to the widget

All available user widgets are shown in the dashboard configuration panel:

Availability does not define whether the widget is actually displayed or not on the Landing Page, but only provides access to the specified widget. Whether the available widget is shown is defined by the Initial Visibility property or user's personalized configuration.

Availability option can also hide the widget from the users who have configured personalization for this widget.

true Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 14.46.45.png

Initial Visibility

Defines the initial visibility state of the widget, until a user does a personalization.

  • Selected: when the user opens a Landing Page for the first time the Dashboard Widget will be shown on the Landing Page.
  • Disabled: the widget is not displayed on the Landing Page, but can still be accessed if the widget Availability is enabled. The user can run configuration option Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 18.35.36.png to personalize the shown widgets.

For proper Initial Visibility configuration make sure the Availability property is configured as well.

In this case, a personalization is a configuration of the widgets that are displayed on the Landing Page. Personalized widgets example is as follows:


Personalized widgets example has the following options:

  • Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 18.35.44.png plus icon shows the widget on the Landing Page;
  • Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.07.29.png close icon hides the widget from the Landing Page. It is still available to the user but is not displayed;
  • Reset to default: shows all widgets according to their Initial Visibility configuration;
  • Revert to custom: is available only for the Landing Page with personalized widget configuration. Run this action to see personalized widgets on the Landing Page.

If the Landing page has the above-mentioned personalization, the Initial Visibility property value is ignored and the user sees only the widgets from the personalized configuration.

Selected Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 14.46.37.png

Transparent Background

Available options:

  • Selected: the widget area is not outlined with any background color and is displayed as a part of the layout
    Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 14.38.31.png
  • Disabled: the widget area is outlined with the background color depending on the system Theme
    Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 14.08.08.png
Disabled Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 14.44.57.png

Device Visibility


This property allows improving user experience by managing device visibility options. For instance, the widget can be hidden from the layout when it is too large and contains a lot of data that cannot fit the small screen of a mobile device.

The application checks the user device's screen resolution and shows or hides the graphic element based on the selected check-box options settings:

  • disabled: the widget is not displayed;
  • selected (default): the widget is shown on the page.
True clipboard_eb901040d88572e905a56dde0cd58b948.png




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