What are the known issues with Workflow Worker in 10.0.2?
What are the known issues with Workflow Worker in 10.0.2?
New Workflows will be associated with the new engines even when there is no Workflow Worker license.
After an update to 10.0.2, Workflow Studio was displaying a "misleading" message that confused users. They saw this message as a warning that Workflows will only work with the new Worker technology, which is a misconception. Even if this message appears, the system published the workflow and executed it with the AppFabric Engine.
Hotfix available since 10/29
10.0.2 Basic License Issue (Remote Worker)
After update to 10.0.2, when “Basic Worker License” was present, sometimes, when network infrastructure has complex configuration e.g., using host file instead of DNS, Worker was detected as "remote" (what is not allowed for Basic License) and Workflows stopped working.
Hotfix available since 11/26
10.0.2 Basic License Issue (Frozen Workflows)
After update to 10.0.2, when “Basic Worker License” was available, Workflows were frozen in status "in a queue", because we stopped publishing Workflows, which was required for AppFabric.
Hotfix available since 10/29
Workflows execution engine will be switched from AppFabric to Worker when saving Workflow
When actor was saving Workflow, configured to execute on AppFabric engine, on the environment, with any of Worker licenses installed, and all Workflow Activities used in the Workflow are compatible with Worker - Workflow execution engine silently changed to Worker.
Hotfix available since 12/10 ( or higher)