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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Front End Public API


For the deep integration with the UUX, it is possible to use a Public Module inside custom Frontend Workspaces. It is highly recommended not to use services and methods not from a Public Module because they can have breaking changes.

To use it, inject public service '' into your component controller (or service):

class CustomComponentCtrl {
    static $inject = [''];

    constructor(publicService) {
        this.publicService = publicService;

    public getCurrentApplication() {
        return this.publicService.getCurrentApplication();

There are next methods available in this service:

Function Arguments Description



Async function which returns the current application in format

type MxApplication = {
    name: string;
    title: string;
    value: string;

    icon?: string;
    navigationItem?: string;
    position?: number;
    supportedRoutes?: string[];
    showFavourites?: boolean;
    showRecent?: boolean; 
    showOperationMonitor?: boolean;
    url?: string;
    helpValue?: string;
    helpSourceType?: number;
    unifiedSearchEnabled?: boolean;
    unifiedSearchTitle1?: string;
    unifiedSearchTitle2?: string;
    unifiedSearchBackground?: string;
    unifiedSearchTitleColorOverride?: string;
getFullImageUrl(imageUrl, baseFolder)

imageUrl: string,

baseFolder?: string - optional

Return the correct image URL for the server

Async function which returns user profile data in format 

type MxUserProfile = {
    id: string;
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    accountName: string;
    avatar: string;
    email: string;
    phone: string;
    languageId: string;
    isDevMode: boolean;
    isCustomizationMode: boolean;
    isAdmin: boolean;
    objectId: string;
    status: number;
    profileDialogId: string;


navigationItemId: string

Navigates to the selected navigation item 


callback: () => void | Promise<void>

Register a callback which should be executed before logout. The callback can be async. Returns a function to unregister the callback.


callback: () => void | Promise<void>

Register a callback which should be executed before the authorization session expires. The callback can be async. Returns a function to unregister the callback.


options: {

dataQueryName: string;

objectId?: string;

fragmentId?: string;

entityClassName?: string;

allowedTypes?: string;

relationName?: string;

addedRelations?: string[];

removedRelations?: string[];

whereExpression?: string;

filterId?: string;

filterPath?: IFilterExpressionPath;

filterParams?: IFilterStrictParam[];

additionalFilter?: string;

filters?: string;

pageSize?: number;

pageNumber?: number;

search?: string;

orderBy?: string;

columns?: string;

archived: boolean;


data.getFragmentDescriptors(options, searchText)

options: {

entityClass: string;

filter?: string;

filterId?: string;

filterPath?: IFilterExpressionPath;

filterParams?: IFilterStrictParam[];

top?: number;

allowedTypes?: string;

exclude?: string;

ids?: string[];

objectId?: string;

fragmentId?: string;

parent?: string;

rootElement?: string;

includeRoot?: boolean;

relationName?: string;

useObjectId?: boolean;

displayExpression?: string;

notStrictAutocomplete?: boolean;

archived?: boolean;


searchText?: string

event.subscribe(eventCode, handler, scope, destroyHandler)

eventCode: string,

handler: () => void,

scope: IScope, - angular scope of the component where subscribe is used

destroyHandler?: () => void - execute when the component is destroyed

Subscribe to an event. Should be used inside a component and not in a service.
event.subscribeGlobal(eventCode, handler)

eventCode: string,

handler: () => void

Subscribe globally to an event. Should be used inside a service.
event.dispatch(eventCode, parameters)

eventCode: string,

parameters?: any

Dispatch new event with optional parameters
http.get(url, queryParams, requestParams, skipNotification)

url: string,

queryParams - any object with query parameters,

requestParams? - optional params for angular http service

skipNotification? - skip  notification on error

Make http GET request, data, requestParams, skipNotification),


http.put(url, data, requestParams, skipNotification)


http.remove(url, data, requestParams, skipNotification)

url: string,

data - any body,

requestParams? - optional params for angular http service

skipNotification? - skip  notification on error


Make http POST/PUT/DELETE request. Returns a promise with the response data.
http.upload(url, file, requestParams, skipNotification)

url: string,

file- File object,

requestParams? - optional params for angular http service

skipNotification? - skip  notification on error

Upload a file
i18n.get(key) key: string Returns a localization string by key
i18n.getFormatted(key, param1, param2, ...) key: string Returns a localization string by key with parameters used in string pattern
i18n.getFormattedCurrency(currency, useSymbols, availableCurrencies)

currency: { Value: number, CC: string }

useSymbols: boolean

availableCurrencies: array of currencies  in format { code: string, symbol: string } 

Returns  formatted currency value
config.get(key) key: string  Returns a config value by key
sidePanel.getCurrentView()   Returns a current widget opened in Side Panel 
sidePanel.setCurrentView(view) view: DetailsView Show a widget on the Side Panel. Can be used a new one or already opened to switch to it.
sidePanel.closeCurrentView()   Close the widget which is currently opened in Side Panel
sidePanel.closeView(view) view: DetailsView Close some widget which is opened in Side Panel (may be not current but hidden)
sidePanel.refreshView(view) view: DetailsView Refresh a selected view in Side Panel


Returns all opened views from Side Panel

entityDetails: {

_id: string;

_type: string; - CI

_name?: string;

_state?: string;

_displayName: string;

_archived?: boolean;


Open a preview for the entity using ID and CI

options: {

title: string, - title of the widget,

entityClassName: string - DataDefinition,

columnDefinition - name of DataQuery





selectedItemIds: string[],

excludedIDs?: string[],

allowedTypes?: string,

archived?: boolean,

multiselection?: boolean,

useObjectId?: boolean


Open a list of items using Data Definition and filter

title: string,

prompt?: string,

okLabel?: string,

cancelLabel?: string


Show confirmation notification. The function returns a promise, succeeded if clicked 'Ok' and rejected if clicked 'Cancel'
notification.alert(), title),

notification.warning(message, title),

notification.error(message, title),

notification.success(message, title),

message: string,

title: string

Show a notification in the left bottom corner
action.get(id) id: string Returns an action object by id

Returns a promise resolved with an object of the current theme. 

type Theme = {

   isDarkTheme: boolean; - true if dark colors are the predominant colors in the current theme

    isContrastTheme?: boolean; - true if a high constrast mode is enabled

    [color-name]: string; - a collection of properties with all available colors of a theme (e.g. "content-text-color": #00aa11", "header-text-color": "#ffffff"). Each color is a separate property in a theme object



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