Fragments Data Service: Get a list of Fragments
Retrieves a list of fragments with a defined list of columns which match the specified search criteria and are sorted in the defined order. In case of need, the method returns the schema metadata for the returned data.
The URL which returns only the requested data has the following format
GET http(s)://{server}/M42Services/api/data/fragments/{ddname}?where={where}&columns={columns}& pagesize={pagesize}&pagenumber={pageNumber}&sort={sort}&includeLocalizations={includelocalizations}
In case the additional schema meta-data about the selected attributes has to be included in the response, like data type of attributes, then the following link needs to be used
GET http(s)://{server}/M42Services/api/data/fragments/{ddname}/schema-info?where={where}&columns={columns}& pagesize={pagesize}&pagenumber={pageNumber}&sort={sort}&includeLocalizations={includelocalizations}
URL Attributes and Query Parameters
Element | Description | Type | Required |
ddName | The technical name of the Data Definition (e.g. SPSActivityClassBase) | string | Required |
where | A-SQL Where Expression. If no filtering expression is specified, the Service returns all fragments of the specified Data Definition which are allowed for the caller. More information please see ASQL |
string | Optional |
columns | A-SQL Column expression defines the columns in the result set, separated by Comma. If no Columns defines, then the Operation returns only Fragment Ids. Example: Name, Parent.Name as ParentName |
string | Optional |
pageSize |
Sets the number of records (fragments) returned by Operation. Used in combination with the PageNumber parameter | integer | Optional |
pageNumber | Sets the Number of the page. Used in combination with PageSize property. | integer | Optional |
Sort | Defines the sorting in the result. Example: "Name ASC, CreatedDate DESC" | string | Optional |
includeLocalizations | Specifies if the Localization table should be included in the result. The parameter works ONLY with the request with "schema-info" directive. The service handles correctly only attributes of the requested Data Definition. Related attributes which are part of the response, but not in Data Definition (e.g. SPSActivityClassBase: Category.Name) keep only values of the request culture. If you need all localizations for these attributes as well, please run a dedicated request to Data Definition which keeps this attribute (e.g. SPSScCategoryClassBase) |
boolean | Optional |
For a list of available HTTP request headers see Web Services: REST API integration.
An array of JSON objects where each object represents the Data Definition fragment which matches the specified search criteria and is allowed for the current user (caller).
The response for the simple data mode request has the following format:
[ { "DisplayString":"{Fragment Display String}", "ID":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "Column1": value } ]
If you call the method with the extended schema meta-information (the URL with "schema-info" directive), then the response has another format
{ Result: [{ "DisplayString":"{Fragment Display String}", "ID":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "Column1": value }], Schema: [{ "ColumnName":"Column1", "ColumnType": {StringType | DateType | IntergerType | ...}, "Localizable": {true | false} }], ResultLocalization: [{ "ID": value, "Owner": <fragmentID> "LCID": value, "Column1": "Column1 localization value" }] }
Status Codes and Errors
The following table lists the returned HTTP status codes.
Code | Description |
500 |
Example 1: Read Service Desk categories
The example obtains all the list of Service Desk categories which
- Have a Parent category.
- Each found category contains columns: ID, Name of the Category, Name of the parent Category.
- Names of the categories are expected in German.
- All the categories need to be sorted by name.
- Result fetches up to 3 category
GET http://localhost/m42Services/api/data/fragments/SPSScCategoryClassBase?columns=ID,Parent.Name as ParentName,Name&where=Parent IS NOT NULL&Sort=Name asc&pageSize=3 Authorization: Bearer {token} Explicit-Language: de
[ { "ID":"9282a500-caea-49bb-944f-9d0274fcc80a", "ParentName":"Organisation", "Name":"Ablage", "DisplayString":"Ablage" }, { "ID":"8ba5e53d-3b6b-425a-baba-34438845f00d", "ParentName":"Einkauf", "Name":"Abschluss", "DisplayString":"Abschluss" }, { "ID":"cbbec585-0184-4ae3-ab68-7caeb3d0e5b2", "ParentName":"Vertrieb", "Name":"Abschluss", "DisplayString":"Abschluss" } ]