Workflow Designer Actions
Actions are tasks or steps in a larger process that are defined within a Workflow. In a Workflow Designer, an Action can be any type of work that needs to be completed, such as data entry, review, or approval. Actions automate the process and can include setting up triggers, Workflow Activities, running XAML Workflows, or executing PowerShell scripts.
Actions are available via Administration application → Services & Processes → Workflow Designer → Actions:
Actions dataset view lists basic information about the Action:
- Name: a title of the Action
- Category: Actions are organized in categories according to their purpose and the area where they are applied.
- Implementation Type: specifies the type of process that is run by the Action, for instance, it may be Workflow Activity, Trigger, Workflow, or PowerShell script
There are the following implementation types of Actions:
- Trigger: trigger or context of the action execution. Trigger always precedes the Action of the Workflow Activity implementation type.
- Workflow Activity: a set of instructions that are based on a predefined set of configurable parameters depending on the chosen from the list Workflow Activity. The Action with the Workflow Activity implementation type follows the Action of the Trigger type.
- Workflow: choose the Xaml Workflow (Workflow from the Workflow Studio) that will be run by this Action.
- PowerShell Script: runs a PowerShell script specified in the action.
Despite the implementation type, all types of actions have common options, which are configured as described below.
To create a new action, click the Add Workflow Action, which is available via the Administration application → Services & Processes → Workflow Designer → Actions dataset view and fill out the fields as described below.
Common options
Common configuration options for the Action are as follows:
- Name (mandatory): enter the name for the action. This name is shown in the Workflow Designer, for instance, the Approval action is displayed as follows:
- Technical Name (mandatory): an internal or unique technical name of the action.
- Category: assign a category for the action. A category includes a set of actions that belong to a certain area where they can be applied, for instance, related to the Service Catalog, Basic, General, etc.
- Icon: select an icon that will be shown for this action in the Workflow Designer.
- Description: optionally, add the action description.
Implementation type
Choose the implementation type and proceed to the next chapters according to the selected option. Depending on the chosen option, the implementation type has its own specific configurable options which define how the Action is executed in the Workflow. See the Implementation type configuration section of this page.
Define the caption template of the action and properties. Pay attention, that Properties can be configured for Trigger and Workflow Activity implementation types only.
- Caption Template: this caption is displayed in the Workflow Designer. For instance, the default-provided Approval Required Action has the configuration of the caption template which results in the following display of the Action caption in the Workflow Designer:
Caption Template can have more advanced configuration and can use the notation as in the following example:
Wait for Approval from {required-group:DecisionMaker}
Caption Template can include the following components:- Text: here you can enter the plain text to entitle the Action.
- Required Group Property: with this property, you can add a group of properties to the action by specifying the required-group name and only one property of this group will be required during the action configuration in the Workflow Designer. The name of the Required Group is specified in the properties settings. Enter the same name for each property you want to have in the group.
To display the group of properties that belong to the required group use the following notation:
A group with 3 properties added to the same Required Group with the name DecisionMaker is specified in the caption template as follows:
Wait for Approval from {required-group:DecisionMaker}
The caption for such an action is displayed in the Workflow Designer as in the image below:
Click on the action to see more details about the required group in the panel:
See also the Workflow Designer page.
Properties are available for Trigger and Workflow Activity implementation types.
If the Action is used in a released Workflow, the properties of such Action should not be modified, can not be deleted, and new properties can not be added to the Action as well.
Properties configuration on the example of the Workflow Activity:
- Technical Name: select the property from the list. The list of available properties is suggested based on the chosen Workflow Activity. You can add as many properties as is supported by the selected Activity, but each of the selected properties can be used in the current Activity only once.
- Title: a title of the property that will be shown in the Workflow Designer. For instance:
- Data Type: choose the data type of the property. Available options:
- Boolean
- Configuration Item: this data type allows choosing one of the following options
- Set Configuration Item: select this option and define the Configuration Item. Choose from the available in the system values:
- Dynamically take from property: select this option and define the Property. Choose from the available for this Workflow Action Properties:
- Set Configuration Item: select this option and define the Configuration Item. Choose from the available in the system values:
- Data Definition: choose the Data Definition from the available in the system values
- Date
- Decimal
- Float
- Integer
- String
Data Type should be selected based on the chosen Technical Name. If such Data Type is not supported by this property it cannot be saved in the Workflow Action, for instance:
- Take Value from Flow Context: this field is for the cases when the activity needs to use the property from the other activity of the Workflow. Automatically suggests a list of properties from other activities.
- Position: optional setting which defines the order in which properties are displayed in the Workflow Designer's panel. Enter an integer value to reorder the displaying of the properties. The property with the lowest value is shown first in the properties panel, other properties are displayed in ascending order.
The position property is not applicable to the properties of the Required Group. Required Group is always shown first, then come the properties that are not added to any Required Group and have a defined Position.
- Required: the property value is required. In the Workflow Designer, the user must select a value for such property, otherwise, the Workflow can not be released.
- Output: select the checkbox to mark the property of an Action that is used to store and expose the result of the Action's execution. When an Action is executed, it can perform some operations or computations, and it may produce some output values that need to be passed to other Actions. Output properties are used to store these output values and make them available to other parts of the workflow.
Certain properties can have predefined by design configuration, for instance, when you select the Technical Name it can automatically mark this property as Required or Output, for instance, in the Service Approval Workflow Activity, when ApprovalTaskIds property is selected it is automatically marked as Output:
- Hidden: the property is not supposed to be shown on the Properties configuration panel of the Workflow Designer, but will be available from the dynamic content panel as a part of the flow context. As a rule, is used for the Output properties or selected in the Take Value from Flow Context field.
- Multiple: allows selecting more than one value for the property in the panel. Checkbox options:
- not set (default): only one value can be selected for the property
- selected: more than one value can be selected for the property in the panel
- Required Group: allows assigning a set of properties to a Required Group. Provide a name for the group and add this name to each property of the action, that should be a part of the group. Thus, if there are several properties in a group and they are not marked as required, the Workflow Action will require setting at least one of the properties of the group, otherwise, the Workflow can not be released. For more details, see also the Caption Template configuration section of this page.
- Description: optional, internal description of the property.
- Editor: this section defines how the property is displayed in the properties panel in the Workflow Designer. The panel opens when you click on the action. It has the following configurable properties:
- Editor Title: a hint or a prompt shown in the field when the property is configured in the panel. For example:
- Editor has the following types:
- Schema
- Text
- Object(-s)
Other properties differ depending on the selected editor type.
- Editor Title: a hint or a prompt shown in the field when the property is configured in the panel. For example:
The editor field allows you to choose a value from the Schema with the following possible options:
- Configuration Items: allows choosing a value from the list of available in the system Configuration Items
- Data Definitions: allows choosing a value from the list of available in the system Data Definitions
- Both: select both checkboxes to choose a value from the list of available in the system Data Definitions and Configuration Items
In the Editor choose Text option and proceed with the following properties:
Text editor configuration example
- Type: choose one of the following supported text input types
- Text: the property allows you to enter only plain text
- HTML: the field supports HTML markup
- Text: the property allows you to enter only plain text
- Only static Text: select this checkbox to allow entering only static text as a value, dynamic content in this case will be disabled fore this property
- Multi-line Text: the property in the panel can contain multi-line text. Click on the
icon to expand the field:
- Localizable: the value can be localized into other system languages. In the Workflow Designer canvas, in the step configuration panel, click on the localization
icon and add the necessary values:
This property allows selecting one or more objects from the specified data source:
- Data Definition: choose the data source of the property.
- Filter expression: use an ASQL expression to additionally filter the suggested values
- Display expression: defines how the values from the selected source will be displayed in the property dropdown list
Implementation type configuration
A Trigger is a type of Action that is a starting point for running the Workflow.
A Trigger can have a hidden output property that is not selected explicitly in the Action configuration, for instance:
The output property is passed to and can be used in the action that follows the trigger.
Workflow Activity
With the Workflow Activity implementation type, additionally, choose the Workflow Activity that will be used as a basis for the Action. Configure the Action and Properties for proper data processing and Action displaying in the Workflow Designer:
This implementation type allows selecting and running XAML Workflow (previously developed in the Workflow Studio):
PowerShell Script
Fill out the fields that are the same for any type of action, as described in the common options section. In the Implementation Type field, choose PowerShell and write the script in the Code section, for instance:
The following actions are available for the Actions:
- Add Action: creates a new Action
- Edit: edits Action
- Delete: deletes the Action. The action can be deleted if it is not used in any Workflows:
If the Action is used in the Workflows the following warning message is shown and the Action can not be deleted:
Remove the Action from the suggested Workflows, where it is used, and proceed with deleting an Action. - Export: Export the Action data into a file. See also, Export Data page
- History: View the history of all the related transactions. You can filter the transactions by date, attribute, user, and/or transaction type. See also, History Wizard page.