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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Remove ESM Legacy Console


Legacy Console (SPS) is on the way to being fully discontinued from the ESM product. Starting from version 10.0.0 it is not delivered for new ESM installations, but Legacy Console stays active for environments deployed before version 10.0.0. For cases when all business activities with ESM product are migrated to UUX console, and the Legacy Console is not used anymore, it is highly recommended to remove the Legacy Console from the environment. This step improves the overall resource consumption on the Application Server, and also significantly decreases the amount of the open endpoints, which leads to better protection of the Application


Removing the Legacy console is an irreversible change. Before running the script, please make sure there is no functionality of the Legacy console still in use.


  1. Open Remote Desktop connection to Application Server
  2. Download Powershell script RemoveLegacySlimForce.ps1
  3. Run Powershell Console (e.g. Windows Powershell ISE) as Admin
  4. Run script: ".\RemoveLegacySlimForce.ps1"


Make sure that after removing the Legacy with the script the environment is updated to a version higher than Otherwise, the Legacy will be recovered back on the update

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