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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Install the Update


  1. Download the installation file from Matrix42 MarketPlace and save the .exe file on your server.
  1. Right-click the file and select Run as Administrator. The Matrix42 Setup Wizard will be launched:
  2. Click Launch the update process.
  3. Then the installation wizard will check the system prerequisites.

If your system does not meet all system prerequisites, those missing will be displayed under Required Components. Click the respective component for more details:


Install the required components, and then click Refresh.
Freely available system components are supplied on the CD or can be downloaded together with the installation file (the file). To continue the installation, you should install all the missing components.
For more details on required components see the System Requirements page.

  1. Check the Environment Configuration and enter the password for the Service Account.
    In case you use SQL Server Authentication option to connect to the database, see  Configuration Wizard → Change Service Account section for more details.


  1. Click Next.
  2. Enter the Reporting Services URL. The default name of this website is:

    It will be specified during the configuration of MS SQL Reporting Services. In most cases, you can apply the suggested URL to the installation server.

To avoid timeouts during report updates, open Internet Explorer and enter the Reporting Services URL. Do not close Internet Explorer.


  1. Click Next.
  2. Check the names of the databases for the Service Layer Configuration parameters:


  1. Click Next.
  2. Check the Security Configuration parameters for Service Layer.

    the configuration differs depending on the updated system version.

    • Update to DWP v.10.1.1: AppFabric settings are still available but the wizard shows a warning message about the AppFabric discontinuing in the next DWP version. It is recommended to consider applying all necessary changes, like migration to Matrix42 Workers technology and adjusting the Workflows to the new workflows processing engine accordingly.
    • Update to DWP v.11.0: AppFabric-related configuration is no longer available for the update to a new DWP v.11.0, as the AppFabric technology usage is discontinued in the system. The wizard shows a warning message about the AppFabric discontinuing in the DWP v.11.0. To proceed with the system update, consider applying all necessary changes, like migration to Matrix42 Workers technology and adjusting the Workflows to the new workflows processing engine accordingly.
    Please make sure that the specified Security Group for AppFabric configuration exists (was created manually) on the distributed server/in the domain. Members of this group should be assigned write rights on the Workflow Persistence and Monitoring databases. Matrix42 Service Account should also be a member of this group. Finally, select the Run AppFabric with Matrix42 Service Account checkbox for distributed installation. To protect the Service Layer connections, the service and client certificates will be generated and installed on the local computer.


  1. Configure the security options of Matrix42 to protect the data that you process with Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management.

    • Use the HTTPS protocol if you want to encrypt your data when connecting to the Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Console and Matrix42 Self Service Portal. To use the HTTPS protocol, you should specify the settings for Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The Domain name that you use for Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management is filled in automatically – the system reads it from the default IIS website – but you can change it.
    • Then you should choose whether to Use your own SSL Certificate or Use Self Signed Certificate.
      • If you use your own SSL certificate, then all necessary settings are defined automatically based on the provided domain name.
      • If you use a self-signed certificate, then you should provide a password to create this certificate.
    • Since 10.0.1 release, Force SSL option is the only possible. It means that when someone opens the console or the portal with the HTTP URL, they will be redirected to the HTTPS URL.

 You can change the configuration settings later either in the Configuration Wizard or in the Global System Settings of Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management.


  1. Click Next.
  2. Continue with Security Configuration:
    •  Select the Activate captcha checkbox to prevent automatic logins from external sources. The captcha will be displayed after the first unsuccessful login attempt.
    • For more advanced protection from such logins, use the Lock Accounts option. Enter a number of unsuccessful login attempts after which the account will be locked, and a time period (in minutes) after which the account will be unlocked.
      Please note that the minimum number of attempts should be 3, and the minimum time period should be 10 minutes. Information about all (un)successful login attempts and account (un)locking events including the IP addresses are stored in the Matrix42.Security.log file under %programfiles%\Matrix42\Matrix42 Workspace Management\Logs. In addition, information about failed login attempts and locked accounts is stored in Windows Event Log (Applications) under the M42_SEC event name.
    • For earlier versions of DWP that still support Classic UI, select the Encrypt VIEWSTATE checkbox to encrypt information that is passed to the server every time someone changes data in Matrix42 Workspace Management. This setting provides additional client-side security, but be aware that it may decrease client performance.

These settings can be changed later either in the Configuration Wizard or in the Global System Settings of Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management.

Depending on the system version, Captcha and Encrypt VIEWSTATE properties configuration might be not displayed on this page.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Configure STS (Secure Token Service):
    Use advanced settings for the Load Balancer properties configuration:
  3. If necessary, modify the Cache Configuration options:
  4. Check the Backup Settings and modify them as required.
    Starting from DWP v.11.0.1 and higher the Reference DB is obsolete and does not require additional configuration as it has been merged into Production DB.


After you click Next, you will not be able to access the console and the portal until the update process is finished.

  1. Click Next.

A backup of the installation directory and the databases will be performed. 


  1. Review the backup overview to ensure that the backup is completed successfully. Click Next. If there are no errors, the next dialog will be opened automatically after about 30 seconds.

A complete database check will be performed. Depending on the size and customization degree of the respective databases, this may take a very long time.

Individual problems that cannot be fixed automatically should be fixed manually. Additional information about the individual event IDs can be found in the online documentation. Just click the link Read more information online.

  1. Click Apply. The displayed events will be fixed accordingly:
  2. Click Next. A new database check will be performed until no more events are detected.
  3. Click Next. If there are no errors, the Database Update dialog will be opened automatically after about 30 seconds:
  4. The databases will be updated, and the setup wizard will configure your Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management installation:

For the update of the system to DWP v.10.1.1 the following message may appear:

Consider the suggested changes and adjust the system accordingly. For more information see also System Diagnostics and Maintenance and Release Notes for Enterprise Service Management and Digital Workspace Platform 10.1 Update 1

  1. Click Finish.
  2. You will be prompted to close the Setup Wizard. Click Yes to confirm.

The configuration has been updated successfully and your Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management can be accessed again.

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