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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Configuration Error

This topic guides troubleshooting (including error IDs). The provided information concerns error messages related to the installation routine. 

0101 - Configuration Error - Target folder disc space error

Insufficient free disk space on the target drive. Please check the minimum system hardware requirements here.

Check free space on the main disk (usually C) because temp files will be extracted there or check space on the destination disk where Matrix42 Workspace Management will be installed.

0102 - Configuration Error - Database server access error 

Specified database server cannot be accessed with the specified credentials. Please check your input.

Check the provided credentials. In case you are sure the credentials are valid check SQL server settings:

Using Windows Authentication

  • Connect to SQL server via SQL Management Studio
  • Right-click on the server name (Left navigation panel) and click settings
  • Chose "Security" tab and select Windows Auth Mode
  • Save Changes
  • In the Matrix42 Setup Wizard process specify a Windows account to connect to the database

Using SQL Authentication

  • Connect to SQL server via SQL Management Studio
  • Chose Security → Logins in the left navigation tree
  • Right Click on the Login tab and choose "Add Login"
  • In a new window choose SQL Server Auth
  • Enter the desired Login and Password
  • Switch to Server Role
  • Add sysadmin role and save
  • In the Matrix42 Setup Wizard select SQL account authentication type and enter created account info

0103 - Configuration Error - Database server permissions error

Specified database user has not enough permissions.
The specified database login is not member of DB role "sysadmin". 

Enable role for user:

  • Connect to SQL server via SQL Management Studio
  • Chose Security → Logins in the  left navigation tree
  • Select Login specified for database connection in Setup Wizard and right-click Properties
  • Switch to the tab Server Role
  • Check the sysadmin role and save
  • Proceed with Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup

0104 - Configuration Error - Account authentication error

Specified service account could not been authenticated. Please check login and password.

Make sure that domain\account and password specified in the Service account are valid Windows accounts.

0105 - Configuration Error - Account permissions error

Specified service account has not enough permissions.
The specified service account is not member of the local group "Administrators" or "IIS_IUSRS". 

Add service account to role "Administrators" or "IIS_IUSERS":

  • Add user to Admin role(All steps must be performed under Administrator privileges)
  • Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Computer Management
  • In the Left Navigation Panel go to Local Users and Groups → Groups
  • Right Click on the "Administrator" role and select Add to Group
  • Right Click on the "IIS_IUSERS" role and select Add to Group
  • Add user to group and save
  • Proceed with Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup

0106 - Configuration Error - SQL Server wrong version error

Version of SQL Server doesn't meet software requirements. Please check minimum system software requirements here

Usually happens when the user wants to migrate the database to the other server. Ensure that the SQL Server version is equal or above the minimum required version.

0107 - Configuration Error - Reporting Services access error

Specified reporting services URL cannot be reached. Please check your input.

Check if reporting service URL is correct and reachable. Make sure all services for Microsoft reporting are running.

0108 - Configuration Error - SMTP Server access error 

Specified SMTP server cannot be reached. Please check your input.

Make sure (via ping command) that SMTP server is reachable, configured, and running.

0109 - Configuration Error - Missing .NET 4.5.1 error

Matrix42 Workspace Management setup needs .NET Framework 4.5.1 or higher. Installed version on your server is not supported. Please check system software requirements here.

Download and install .Net Framework 4.5.1 or higher. Find the links on the prerequisites page or take one from our distributive folder.

0110 - Configuration Error - Missing target folder error

Selected target folder doesn't exist. Please select a folder that already exists.

Usually occurs when backup or installation folders do not exist or cannot be created automatically. Create a folder manually.

0111 - Configuration Error - Downgrade error

Current product version is higher or equal than the one being installed. Cannot proceed…

This error indicates that an update or install is not needed as the current\higher version is already installed.

0113 - Configuration Error - Incompatible setup version incompatible error

You have tried to start Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup in configuration mode. Version of Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup and installed Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management are not compatible.

Please always use the link in the Windows Start Menu to start Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Configuration.

0114 - Configuration Error - Uncompleted setup session error 

You have tried to start Matrix42 Workspace Management Setup in configuration, update, or patch mode. If there is an uncompleted Matrix42 Workspace Management Setup session from a different mode, this session needs to be completed by starting the Matrix42 Workspace Management Setup in this mode.

Please always use the provided Matrix42 Workspace Management Setup Executable for Installation/Update/Patch or the Windows start menu link for Configuration.

0115 - Configuration Error - Analysis services access error 

Configured domain user account is not an Analysis Services Server administrator. Please check your permissions.

Add user as Administrator of Analysis server:

  • Connect to the Analysis server via SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Right Click on the Server name in the left navigation panel and choose Properties.
  • In the new window choose Security.
  • Click Add and add the needed user to Server Administrator.
  • Proceed with Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup.

0116 - Configuration Error - SQL Server agent error

Windows service "SQL Server Agent" is not activated on the database server.

Connect to database server and manually start service "SQL Server Agent":

  • Start SQL Server Configuration Manager and click on SQL Server Services.
  • Search for service SQL SERVER AGENT and start it.

0118 - Configuration Error - No existing Matrix42 Workspace Management error

You have tried to start Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup in Uninstallation or Configuration mode. But no existing Matrix42 Workspace Management installation can be found.

Please always use the provided Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup Executable for full installation to start or proceed with a full installation.

This can happen when someone has extracted an installation package to a temporary directory and is trying to start the Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup with the -uninstall or no parameter, but no Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management installation exists on the system.

0119 - Configuration Error - Missing SMO error

Matrix42 Workspace Management Setup cannot be started. Component "SMO for SQL Server" is missing. Please check system software requirements here.

Download and install Microsoft SQL Server Shared Management Objects (SMO) from the Microsoft site or take one from the distributive folder.

0120 - Configuration Error - Incompatible setup session version error 

There is an uncompleted Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup session which has been started with a different version of Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management than you are using right now.

Please use always the provided Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup executable for Installation/Update/Patch or the Windows start menu link for Configuration.

0121 - Configuration Error - Versions are not identical  

Versions of Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management setup and installation package are not identical.

Please always use the provided Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup executable for Installation/Update/Patch.

0122 - Configuration Error - Missing Full-Text Search error

Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management Setup cannot be started. Component "Full-Text Search" is missing. Please check system software requirements here

Run SQL server installation in configuration mode. In Feature Selection section check "Full-Text Search" option. Complete configuration wizard.

0123 - Configuration Error - Analysis Services deployed in 'Tabular' mode

Analysis Services are deployed in the tabular mode. The multidimensional mode is required.

Analysis Services can be installed in one of three server modes: Multidimensional and Data Mining (default), Power Pivot for SharePoint, and Tabular. The server mode of an Analysis Services instance is determined during setup when you choose options for installing the server.

You can check the DeploymentMode property in the msmdsrv.ini file that is included in every Analysis Services instance. The value of this property identifies the server mode. Valid values are: 0 (Multidimensional), 1 (SharePoint), and 2 (Tabular).

Although changing the DeploymentMode property is not supported by Microsoft, it works.

 If you are changing the Analysis Services instance to the tabular mode, you have to perform the backup of any multidimensional databases on your server, and either detach them or delete them. You will not be able to load them on the tabular instance.

To change the DeploymentMode property:

  1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS13.TABULAR\OLAP\Config and copy the msmdsrv.ini file to your desktop.
  2. Open this file in Notepad. Change the deployment mode property from 2 (tabular) to 0 (multidimensional).
  3. Copy and replace the msmdsrv.ini file in the OLAP\Config directory.
  4. Go to services.msc and restart the Analysis Services instance.
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