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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Server Migration FAQ


This page provides useful information and common steps that are referenced in the Server Migration Guide.

How to Determine Which Databases Are Used by DWP Installation


The following settings are stored in the <ROOT>\bin\sps.config configuration file:

1. Main Database

     databaseConnectString="data source=<DB_SERVER>;initial catalog=<MAIN_DATABASE>;integrated security=True"

2. File Storage Database

     connectionString="Data Source=<DB_SERVER>;Initial Catalog=<MAIN_DATABASE>;Integrated Security=True"

3. History Database

    databaseConnectString="Data Source=<DB_SERVER>;Initial Catalog=<HISTORY_DATABASE>;Integrated Security=True"

4. Data Warehouse Database

    databaseConnectString="Data Source=<DB_SERVER>;Database=<DW_DATABASE>;Integrated Security=True"

5. Analysis Database

    cubeConnectionString="data source=<DB_SERVER>;integrated security=True;Database=<ANALYSIS_DATABASE>" 

6. Reporting Services


Workflow Monitoring and Instance Store Database

The following settings are stored in the <ROOT>\svc\Config\ConnectionStrings.config configuration file:

    <add connectionString="Data Source=<DB_SERVER>;Initial Catalog=<MONITORING_DB>;Integrated Security=True" name="M42MonitoringConnectionString" />
    <add connectionString="Data Source=<DB_SERVER>;Initial Catalog=<INSTANCESTORE_DB>;Integrated Security=True" name="M42PersistenceConnectionString" />

How to Determine Application Version

The current version is available on the Global System Settings preview page of the Administration application.

The version number consists of several parts, for instance: where

  • 12 - Major version
  • 0 - Minor version
  • 5 - Revision
  • 3449 - Build version

How to Determine Service Account

The service account is stored in the <ROOT>\bin\sps.configfile: 


How to Determine Installation Directory

By default, the DWP is installed under C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix42\Matrix42 Workspace Management.

To determine the installation directory, perform the following steps:

  1. Start Registry Editor: from the command line run regedit.exe.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Matrix42.
  3. Check the value of the InstallLocation key.