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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

JavaScript Library for Layout Designer


Out of the box, the SolutionBuilder delivers the library of the JavaScript functions which are helpful for using in the Layout Designer Calculated Fields. 

mx.Schema A set of methods for working with the Schema
mx.Data CRUD operation for working with the Production database


In modern HTML application (like UUX) any function call which could lead to Server Request is an asynchronous function, which does not return the web service result immediately, but only the reference to the callback function, which be executed when the response from Server will be received. To simplify the syntax, the SolutionBuilder functions return a Promise, the object which represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value. Please read more about Promises, and how to use it here.


The module provides CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete)  operations for working with the Production database. The module represents the Javascript orchestration over the Generic Data Service,  and allows easy read or modify the Production data directly in the Advanced Property of the Layout Designer, or in any other Javascript module integrated to Solution Builder (e.g. Custom Control Descriptor)

In default Product configuration the execution of all Generic Data Service Operations is granted exclusively for the Administration group. Please configure the Audience appropriately  for the Operations you want to use in "Integrations"


Represents a bunch of methods for working with the Fragment

Function Description
mx.Data.Fragments.add Creates a new Fragment. For more details see Fragment: Create Fragment
mx.Data.Fragments.addRelation Sets relations between the fragment and other objects. See Fragments: Add Fragment Relation 
addRelation(dName, fragmentId, relationName, relationFragmentId)
mx.Data.Fragments.get Retrieves the whole fragment of the specified Data Definition with defined Id. See Fragments: Get Fragment data 
mx.Data.Fragments.getList Retrieves a list of fragments with a defined list of columns, which match the specified search criteria. See Get List of Fragments
mx.Data.Fragments.getRelationList Retrieves a list of fragment's relations with a defined list of columns which match the specified search criteria. See Get List of Fragment Relations

Updates the specified Data Definition fragment. See Update Fragment

mx.Data.Fragments.update (ddName, jsonObject)


    {ID:"a6564e08-db86-e911-6c9c-847beb134555","Subject": "New Subject"});
mx.Data.Fragments.delete Deletes the fragment from Database defined by the Data Definition name and the fragment ID. The operation is required for cases of multi-fragments or optional fragments. See Delete Fragment
mx.Data.Fragments.deleteRelation Deletes the fragment relation from the Database defined by the Data Definition name and the fragment ID. See Detete Fragment Relation


Represents a bunch of methods for working with the Objects

Function Description
mx.Data.Objects.add Creates a new Object of the specified Configuration Item. For more details see Create Object
mx.Data.Objects.get Retrieves the whole Object with the specified Configuration Item name and Object ID. See  Get Data Object

Updates the Object of the specified Configuration Item by the Configuration Item name and Object ID. See Update Object

mx.Data.Objects.update (ciName, object [, isFull])

mx.Data.Objects.delete Deletes the Object from Database defined by the Configuration Item name and the Object ID. See Delete Object



The following example demonstrates how to get the fragment data in Advanced Property




Provides the set of function for working with the Data Layer functions, like obtaining the Schema metadata or get the data


Get the Schema Pickup data by internal Pickup name


name (String) - technical name of the Schema pickup


Promise to Object with the requested Schema Pickup data, of the following format in array:

  [0]: {Value: 1, DisplayString: 'name', Position: 1},
  [1]: {Value: 2, DisplayString: 'name', Position: 2},
  [2]: {Value: 3, DisplayString: 'name', Position: 3},


System returns null, if the Pickup with the provided name not found


Example dynamically receives the Image for the Pickup value, which are defined in Input controls



if(pickupName.$hasChanges || pickupNumber.$hasChanges){    
  return mx.Schema.getPickup(pickupName.$value).then(function (data){
     return data[pickupNumber.$value].Image;
}return $value;


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