Configure project in SolutionBuilder platform
It is possible to work with different projects on the same system. You only need to switch between existing or register a new project when developing. After completing this how-to you will know how to configure your project name, to differentiate one project from another
Register a new project in SolutionBuilder platform
To add and work with a new Project, first add a new Customizing Option for it to the already existing ones.
- Open the Administration Area and navigate to Schema > Data Definition > Pickups
- Search for- or navigate to the Pickup "SPSCustomizingOptionPickup" and select it.
- Click on "Edit"
- Navigate to the Pickups "Data" Tab and add a new option with at least a Value and your desired Display String, like shown in the following picture.
Note: The Display String is used as a prefix for all newly created files for your custom application when recording new components.
Configure the current project
To ensure that Solution Builder knows which project is currently active for developing, Navigate to the "Settings" menu in the main navigation of the "Administration" area.
Click on Edit and select your custom Applications prefix in the "General" Tab, like shown in the following picture: