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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Rest API – Notifications

How to create, update, query and delete notification records in SPM using the FireScope REST API.


The REST API allows you to work with Notifications in FireScope SPM. Specifically, you can: 

  • Retrieve
  • Create or Update
  • Delete


To retrieve the current information about a Notification in SPM, send unique query parameters in a GET request to the following URL:

http://[IP address]:38050/web_services/notifications?account=[Account name]&name=[Notification name]



Note: Don’t forget to change the domain name (localhost) and query parameter values (account, and name) to match your environment and data.

A JSON response will be returned similar in structure to the payload for the Create or Update.

Query Parameter Descriptions

Parameter Description Type Required
account The SPM account String Yes
name Name of the Notification String Yes

Create or Update

To create or update a Notification, POST a JSON document with the appropriate information to the following URL:

http://[IP address]:38050/web_services/notifications

Note: Don’t forget to change the domain name (localhost) to match your environment and data.

Use the following example as a guide.

  "account_id" : "firescope",
  "name" : "Event Def Severity Notification",
  "created_by" : "Admin",
  "status" : 0,
  "type" : 1,
  "filters" : [{
      "filtertype" : 4,
      "operator" : 5,
      "value" : {"edge_device" : "edge1", "ci" : "VMWare", "eventdef" : "Ping"}
      "filtertype" : 2,
      "operator" : 0,
      "value" : "5"
  "procedures" : [{
      "content_type" : 0,
      "longdata" : "{CI}:{IPADDRESS}:{EVENT.NAME}:{STATUS}",
      "object" : 0,
      "objectid" : {"users" : "bryancan"},
      "proceduretype" : 0,
      "shortdata" : "{CI}:{EVENT.NAME}:{STATUS}"
    }, {
      "content_type" : 0,
      "longdata" : "{CI}:{IPADDRESS}:{EVENT.NAME}:{STATUS}",
      "object" : 1,
      "objectid" : {"usrgrp" : "FireScope administrators"},
      "proceduretype" : 0,
      "shortdata" : "{CI}:{EVENT.NAME}:{STATUS}"
  "usrgrp" : ["Database administrators", "FireScope administrators", "Guests"]

Property Descriptions

Property Description Type Default Required
account_id The name of the SPM account. String   Yes
created_by The user name of the person who created this notification. String   Yes
name The unique name of the notification. String   Yes
status Status of the Notification:0 = Enabled1 = Disabled Number 0 Yes
type The type of boolean logic to apply to the filters:1 – AND2 – OR Number 1 Yes
usrgrp The list of associated user groups. String[]   No
PropertyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequired 0 = text/plain1 = text/htmlNumber0Yes, if Message typelongdataA macro-filled text field whose values depends upon the type.For messages, this field represents the message body.For remote commands, this field represents the actual command to executeFor ServiceNow, this field represents the ticket comment to add.String Yesobject0 = Single User1 = User GroupNumber0Yes, if Message typeobjectidUnique key to a user or a user group, depending upon ‘object’ enumeration.e.g. {“users” : “Admin”} or {“usrgrp” : “Administrators”}Object Yes, if Message typeproceduretype0 = Message1 = Remote Command8 = ServiceNow Incident ProcessingNumber0YesshortdataA macro-filled text field whose values depends upon the type.For messages, this field represents the message subject.For ServiceNow, this field represents the comment description.String Yes, except for Remote Commands
Object[]   Yes
PropertyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredfiltertypeThe category of filteringNumber0YesoperatorWhich operation should be applied to the valueNumber0YesvalueA context dependent value depending upon the filter type. See ‘Value Format’ column of table below.Object Yes
  Possible values for filtertype and value fields:
Filter TypeDefinitionValue FormatExample Value0Logical GroupUnique key for a logical group”Database Servers”1Configuration ItemUnique key for a CI{“edge_device” : “edge1”, “ci” : “VMWare”}2Event Definition (ED)Unique key for an ED{“edge_device” : “edge1”, “ci” : “VMWare”, “eventdef” : “Ping Status”}3ED/AED/Policy NameSupports name for all 3 types”Ping Status”4Event Definition Severity”0″ = Not Classified”1″ = Information”2″ = Average”3″ = Warning”4″ = High”5″ = Major”0″5Event Definition Value”0″ = OK”1″ = Failed”0″6Time Period “1502206054”13Aggregate Event Definition (AED)Unique key for an AED{“logicalgroup” : “Database Servers”, “aed” : “aed1”}14PolicyUnique key for a policy{“servicegroup”: “CRM”, “policy” : “policy1”}15Event Definition NameName of an ED. Can match multiple”Ping Status”16Aggregate Event Definition NameName of an AED. Can match multiple”aed1″17Policy NameName of a policy. Can match multiple”policy1″Operator of the Notification
OperatorDefinition0Equals1Not equals2Like3Not like4Between5Greater than or equal6Less than or equal7Not between
Object[]   Yes


To delete a Notification, send an HTTP DELETE request with the same query parameters as the GET request.

See the Retrieve for the URL format and query parameter descriptions.

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