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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Understanding charts for cloud services

Charts are located in the Assets application under Home > Cloud Services.

Number of Resources without Tags

The total quantity of imported Azure resources that have no tags.

Number of New Resources per Type and Day (Last 8 Days)

This stacked bar chart displays Azure resources that have been created during the last 8 days. It groups the resources by type and the day of creation.

Number of Deleted Resources per Type and Day (Last 8 Days)

This stacked bar chart displays Azure resources that have the deleted status (Inactive, Deleted,  or To Be Deleted) and the last import date within the period of the last 8 days. It groups the resources by type and the last import day.

Number of Resources per Azure Region

It is a pie chart that displays Azure resources grouped by the Azure region.

Top 10 Number of Resources per Subscription

The bar chart shows top 10 subscriptions with the maximum amount of cloud resources.

Top 10 Number of Resources per Type

This bar chart displays top 10 resource types with the maximum amount of cloud resources.

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