Release Notes Full Disk Encryption 21.0 Update 3
About This Release
Full Disk Encryption 21.0 Update 3 provides new and improved features that have been implemented. During the development of this version, we have been focusing on valued feedback from our customers and partners to provide an ideal feature selection.
New Features and Improvements
Please find all new features and Improvements below:
Full Disk Encryption (FDE)
- Possibility to read remote task results from registry in case of reboot during task execution was added.
- Algorithms for calculating elapsed and remaining encryption time when hibernate were improved.
- Possibility to view the administration password was added.
- Volume name displaying improved.
- Key length 256 for AES is set as default when creating a decryption policy.
- Message displaying when FDE initialization is not possible due to a lack of free space was changed.
- The Policy Builder usability when creation an encryption policy was improved.
- Default path to save an .eri file was changed.
- Fixed an issue when selected changes were not saved when going back in the Disk Encryption and Policy Builder sections.
- Fixed an issue where the warning message did not appear when opening the Disk Encryption tab while n32fde.exe is running.
Pre-boot authentication (PBA)
- Added a possibility in Simple PBA (graphical mode) to go back during a smartcard login.
- Detailed logs for the Friendly Network driver added.
- Added the ability to use an arrow for going back in Helpdesk for Simple PBA (graphical mode).
- Fixed an issue where Helpdesk for Simple PBA (graphical mode) did not work.
- Fixed an issue where the dialog about incorrect password closed instantly in Simple PBA (graphical mode).
- Fixed an issue where characters were typed in the User field instead of Password field when using a virtual keyboard in Simple PBA (graphical mode).
- Fixed an issue where it was impossible to delete PBA users with Russian letters or special symbols.
- PBA option Without DRM was added to EgoSecure Data Protection Console.
Additional Information
- For details about software and hardware requirements, see the article System requirements.
- For details about installation and support information, see the article Usage and Support.
- See also the release notes for FDE (patch).