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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Create Empirum filters with raw SQL conditions


After completing this how-to you will have a filter for computers having a date in the field 'Last seen' of the computer properties which is older than 90 days

and also a filter for computers having no unique MAC address.

First Step

Download the filter files from here (Filter_DoubleMAC.ini  & Filter_Last seen more than 90 days ago.ini) to a location in your environment.

Remove the extension .dat.

Cloud users can then upload it to one of the available Empirum directories.

Second Step

Open the Empirum Management Console.

On the left tree object 'Computers'  open the context menu and select 'Filter...'.

In the Filter dialogue click on button 'Import' and import the filter.ini file.

Save the filter. 

Now you can use the filter results like normal filters.


You can check the option 'Public Filter' and add a description.

You can not add normal definitions provided by the filter dialogue nor edit the SQL statement within the dialogue. 

The SQL statement can only be edited with the filter.ini file. 

What's Next

With some knowledge of the Empirum database tables and as well SQL you can edit the SQL select statement of the example files for your own purposes.

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