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Matrix42 Self-Service Help Center

Deployment of the UEM Agent (Empirum) SaaS


Matrix42 offers agent components for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. For the supported operating systems, please refer to the online help in the "Installation" and "Configuration" sections. For an optimal user experience, we recommend installing the Windows or macOS UEM Agent on the managed devices. Basic software distribution tasks can also be performed via the MDM protocol (Silverback, part of SUEM and UEM Suite). For modern managed devices enrolled in Matrix42 UEM/SUEM it is very easy to deploy the Empirum Windows and macOS agent. Please refer to the documentation. For all other deployments follow the following steps.

UUX based UEM Agent Download and Deployment

The UUX for UEM Console provides easy access to the latest UEM Agent for download and all required configuration information. It is also possible to directly integrate the UEM Agent in Silverback. Please refer to this documentation when access to the UEM Console is available.

Managing Of Computers

The communication between clients and the Cloud Instance is HTTPS based.

Agent Template

A pre-configured Agent Template “Cloud – HTTPS” is already available. It can be changed according the customer requirements.

Do not change the following sections:

  • General Settings / General Settings
  • General Settings / Transport Protocol
  • General Settings / Transport Properties

Empirum UEM Agent Windows Installation

The Empirum UEM Agent must installed manually or by using local automation processes (e.g. Remote PowerShell, Logon Script, …)

There are two options to deploy the UEM Agent:

  1. Using the UEM Agent Package (Empirum installation package)
  2. Using the UEM Agent MSI file (downloaded from the Empirum server)

Download and installation of the Empirum UEM Agent Package

  1. The UEM Agent is available on the Empirum Server and via the Matrix42 PackageCloud. We recommend downloading the latest UEM Agent via the PackageCloud, which can be done very easily via the SUEM Console (Documentation).
  2. Extract the package locally.
  3. Connect via WebDAV to the User directory and download the "Cloud HTTPS.xml", setup.exe and setup64.exe files from /Matrix42-Empirum/Configurator/User.
  4. Rename the file "Cloud HTTPS.xml" to "defaultAgentConfig.xml" and copy it to the folder: "UEM Agent Windows\....\Template_SFX" within the extracted UEM Agent package.
  5. Copy the files setup.exe and setup64.exe to the folder "UEM Agent Windows\.....\Install" inside the UEM Agent package.
  6. Use a command line to execute the installation on the client computers:
UEM Agent Windows\.....\Install\Setup.exe /S

Deployment via MSI package

An easy way to deploy the Windows Agent to clients is to use the included MSI package.

  1. Connect via WebDAV to the Packages directory and download the appropriate MSI package from /Matrix42-Empirum/Configurator/Packages/Matrix42/UEM Agent Windows/MSI/.
  2. Install the MSI package manually or using command line parameters - see below

Initial Agent Deployment via MSI 

Installation of the MSI package via group policy or via log-in script
You can find two MSI packages in the Configurator\Packages\matrix42\UEM Agent\MSI\<Version number> folder of the UEM Agent Version. These MSI packages can be used to install the 32 and 64 bit versions of the Agent. They are used for initial installation on computers that do not have Empirum Agent installed yet. For updates, please use the corresponding Empirum UEM Agent package.

You can set the following parameters. They are used to configure the agent for the first connection to the server.

  • SERVER: Name of the Empirum server.
  • USER: User name for the connection to the Empirum server.
  • PASSWORD: Encrypted password for the connection. You must use the tool EmpCrypt located under the folder Addons in order to encrypt the password in the sync format.
  • PROTOCOL: Protocol used for the connection. Following values are valid: smb, http and https
  • PORT: Port used for the connection with http and https. If the value is not set the default port 80 is used. When using the SMB protocol, no value for port is required.

Example call:

msiexec.exe /i "Matrix42 UEM Agent 2108.1.2 Standard Feature Release Setup 64bit.MSI" SERVER="MyServer" USER="MyUser" PASSWORD="85FC516FCF3ACB0A60E09C4D3CB" PROTOCOL="https" PORT="443"

In the following KB article you can find how the MSI package can be deployed via group policy:

It is also possible to install the UEM Agent via log-in script using the MSI packages.

The MSI package does not contain .NET components. Consider the current system requirements of the Advanced Agent.

macOS Agent configuration and deployment

The macOS UEM Agent for software distribution and Inventory can be deployed via MDM or any system that can handle pkg installations. It is also possible to provide users with an easy-to-use manual installation package. Please download the latest version of the macOS Agent from the Matrix42 Marketplace. The ZIP file includes a detailed step by step guide for creating a pkg installation which includes the required configuration. Use the above mentioned "Cloud HTTPS.xml" template downloaded from the Empirum server.

Encrypting Password

To encrypt the password of the Empirum UEM Agent User, the EmpCrypt.exe tool must be used. The command "empcrypt.exe /SYNC yourpassword" saves the encrypted string in the clipboard.

Assign the Client

The client should appear in the Matrix42 Management Console after a few moments, from where you can assign it as usual. It is also possible to automatically assign all newly added computers to an Assignment Group. See the documentation.

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